5 Ways To Create Colorful Emails Your Subscribers Love

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  1. Use colours strategically

Colour psychology really works when it comes to grabbing people's attention, but more so, when it comes to conveying the right kind of message. And so, the goal of making a colourful email is not to use as many attractive colours as possible.

Rather, the goal is to utilise a few colours in an effective way. With that said, use colours only where it is needed. As a golden rule of thumb, you don't want to use coloured fonts for your content!

However, you can use effective colours for your titles and headers. This method of using colours in your email can grab attention and quickly direct people's eyes to the things you want to highlight.

The same principle goes for the use of colours to highlight your call to action. This is the best way to direct people towards your important call to action by utilising attractive colours.

  1. The use of colours should emphasise and not disrupt

When you have different sections within your email content, colours can help separate the sections. If you use blocks of colours as backgrounds this will be easy to understand.

Keep in mind that when you use blocks as background to create some sort of a chart, adjust the colour of the font letters so they are easy to read.

The use of attractive colours in your email should emphasise the aesthetic of your emails and not distract or disrupt the flow of reading. Colour blocks or backgrounds are also useful if you are going to write on top of an image of a background.

Based on research conducted by UnsubCentral, deliberate use of colors can proficiently guide focus toward specific elements, such as essential text or interactive buttons. Color blocks or backgrounds hold significant utility, particularly when superimposing text onto images or backgrounds. Nonetheless, the study underscores the importance of exercising restraint with colors to prevent visual clutter that could detract from the intended focal points.

The blocks or backgrounds can be opaque or slightly transparent, this can be adjusted to your own preference. If you want the image to still be clear, then a rather transparent block to house the content would be nice.

  1. Use colours to incite emotion in your readers

Do you know what kind of vibe you want to go with your emails? What kind of feeling do you want to incite in the hearts or minds of your readers?

If you already have a specific answer to that question, then you can be confident in choosing a select number of colours to use in your emails. You can also use a combination of these colours as your signature or brand logo.

For instance, if you want to create an image of a strong brand that can be trusted with its values, you can choose something like black, red or white. Dark blue can also work for this intent.

In line with research highlighted in a study conducted by 99Designs, the consistent use of a cohesive color palette in your branding emerges as a critical factor in establishing and strengthening your brand identity. When people establish associations between specific colors and your brand, this can lead to an amplified ability to remember your brand and cultivate steadfast loyalty.

If you are a brand that cares about the environment, then of course, green has to appear quite a lot in your emails. If your emails are about the ocean, then bright blue is the colour to go.

  1. Make sure that your design is modern

For a future-bound brand, you want to create a beautiful email that conveys that focus. If you are all about the future of mankind, you can try colour combinations that play on a lot of purples, violet, orange, and yellow.

Of course, a little bit of black here and there would make things look a lot more appealing.

In our world today, big corporations talk about moving forward to a new era of digital marketing, so if you are on board with that, make sure your email design is in alignment with that value.

Keep your brand looking fresh and modern and this will create a sense in your readers' minds that you are going to stay for a long time in the business.

According to research conducted by Harvard University, contemporary design frequently embraces a sleek and visually attractive appearance. The deliberate application of colors can enhance this effect, resulting in a delightful and well-balanced visual encounter. Consequently, this can instill a perception in your audience that your business is poised for long-term success.

Your brand will look more appealing, and also reliable, and gaining new subscribers can be easier with this in mind.

  1. Go with the colours of the season

Although you may have a strong brand identity, this doesn't mean that your emails need to be stagnant with the colours you are using. You can always change things up and this is most apparent when you are in season for a big celebration.

I guess the most common example is Christmas. When it's Christmas time, emails can follow along and use colours that represent the season we are in. And so, it's a no-brainer that you want to use an attractive combination of red, green and white.

Try to go with font colours that complement this colour combination, like beige, soft orange and deep yellow. The holiday season is festive and your emails should convey that feeling through the use of matching colours.

The same principle should apply to all of the other occasions and celebrations that matter to you and your email readers.

Hope you enjoy reading "5 Ways To Create Colorful Emails Your Subscribers Love" :)

One Fresh and Fun Ideas for your Newsletter

Social Giveaways

Social giveaways have gained much importance over the passage of time. Nowadays, these are proving a handy tool to market your business as well as bring more customers. Always write about these social giveaways in your newsletter to inform your readers, customers, and even the employees. This will increase the people visiting your business page and fill the information asked in these giveaway forms.

Social media channels, especially, Facebook and WhatsApp are playing a crucial role in these giveaways. Newsletters containing information about these giveaways are attractive for the readers. You can also explain various features of your product in this newsletter and then tell the readers that they can have this product through a giveaway too. An increasing number of visitors to your business official page means that the number of customers will also increase gradually. These giveaways are common in technological products like mobile phones, TV's, and other gadgets.

Here Is The One Auto Responder Tip That Would Turn Every Article You Send Out Into A Cart Item

Offer free emails courses

But the above is not always the case. Many blog site visitors are simply hobbyists and enthusiasts wanting to enjoy additional benefits. Hence they can’t pay for your instruction, especially after making purchases.

For these reasons, you dish out courses to clients anxious to buy while they are hesitant to commit due to hazy information. By clarifying the unclear issues, you clear the air.

The training should be simple and to the point. Further, acknowledge your prospective buyers' needs for future tutoring. Ensure you provide them with step-by-step instructions on how to resolve their difficulties. After finishing the course, congratulate them on the successful endeavor. Further, entice the more cautious buyers with a further discount when they order immediately after the session.

You stand to reap handsome rewards in the process. Your clarifications help them to make their minds about ordering your services and products quickly. And this pre-sell course enhances readership as well.

One Tip For Designing Effective HTML Emails

Alt text and background colors

There is always a possibility of your image not loading properly, sometimes it could even fail to get displayed all together. It would be wise for you to put an alt text and a background color in the place where your picture is supposed to load.

Don't even think about using a background image! The reason why is that many email clients actually do not support to load background images. Plus, think about it, a background image can load a toll on your bandwidth and may take very hefty loading time when you don't have a speedy internet connection.

Stick to using a simple color for background for ease of access, so your message - be it a story or a call-for-action - gets the highlight. Keep in mind to choose a color that matches the entire theme of your newsletter design. Patterns and gradations are never the option to go with because they will make your email hard to read.

One Automated Email You Should Be Sending Today

Your Discount Code Expires on …..

Discount codes are popular as they have a tremendous tendency to increase sales. The problem with discount offers is that you can’t keep them ON forever. You have to limit discount codes in terms of time.

When the customers realize that the offer is going to close soon that it is not forever, they’ll surely think about buying the product at the discounted rates. You simply need to remind your customers about the expiry dates.

The problem with an unwise discount strategy is that the customers start taking discounts for granted. The idea is to keep them waiting for new discounts. This is why the frequency of the discount offers has to be well-planned. Neither too often nor to scars.

Discount offers work for almost all businesses ranging from retail to IT services. The email updates remind the customers that they still have the opportunity to save some money but it isn’t going to stay for long.