Email Automation 101: How to Use Automation

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As an email marketer, you must have heard so much about email automation. If you are new in email marketing, you are wondering what it is all about, and why there is such a massive hype surrounding it.

Read this post to the end to understand what email automation is when it is used and the benefits of using it.

What is email automation?

It is the most efficient method of engaging your list in email marketing. It makes it possible for a marketer to send out messages to his or her customers at designated times. Brand owners do not have time to send out personalized messages to their subscribers. The use of automation saves time.

The email platform is set up in a manner that prompts it to send messages whenever customers behave in a particular way. As robotic as it sounds, email automation permits business owners to construct closer relationships with their customers by ensuring effective communication as well as continued brand awareness.

According to Mailchimp, if you're a marketer or business owner, maintaining a strong connection with your customers is essential. Email automation emerges as a potent marketing tool that empowers you to deliver precisely targeted messages to the appropriate individuals at the most opportune moments. By employing automated workflows, email automation proves highly effective for nurturing leads and, ultimately, boosting sales among both potential and current customers.

When is email automation used?

Contrary to widespread perception, email automation should not be used at all times. Email marketers must be careful not to abuse it, lest it works against them. There are specific instances when email automation should be used namely;

Constant Contact, Inc., an online marketing company, cautions that excessive use of email marketing automation can lead to subscriber dissatisfaction, resulting in increased unsubscribes or spam reports. Striking the right balance is crucial—you want to send enough emails to maintain a prominent presence in your subscribers' minds, but not so many that they find them bothersome.

Benefits of email automation

If used correctly, email automation is a powerful tool. Here are the benefits reaped from its application;

As per Vendasta's statistics, implementing email automation can significantly enhance marketing effectiveness. Companies utilizing automated emails are 133% more likely to deliver messages that resonate with their audience, potentially resulting in a substantial increase in sales by up to 320%. Moreover, email marketing can have a positive impact on customer relationships, boosting customer lifetime value by up to 25% and increasing retention rates by as much as 50%.

Hope you enjoy reading "Email Automation 101: How to Use Automation" :)