Unsubscribe Rates Going Up? 5 Ways to Stop It Now

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Are you in the brand marketing team responsible for email marketing but experiencing increased levels of unsubscribing rates? Worry no more because we have found 5 ways how you can stop unsubscribing rates from going up.

Why do people unsubscribe to emails? Well, the answer is quite simple. They get irritated if you decide to blow up their inbox with too many emails or send irrelevant emails that are the least of their concern. Another reason why people unsubscribe is due to getting spam emails. To avoid that, we have compiled a list of 5 different ways to overcome the unsubscribe rates.

  1. Create Useful and Relevant Content:

As a subscriber, what do you expect to get in your email? Some relevant and useful stuff, right? A person subscribes to get their needs met, not irrelevant topics which will most probably waste their time. It is a good practice to explain the goal of your email to the subscriber. They should be aware of your product’s advantages and disadvantages and what the market thinks of it. A basic factor to remember is “Not to sell meat to a vegetarian” because it’s of no use to him in any way. So, define your strategy to the subscriber by letting him know why reading the email would help him.

  1. Importance of Subject Lines:

If you’re working on an email marketing campaign then you should understand the importance of subject lines. Subject lines are what the reader uses to decide whether to look at your email or just give it a swipe. Subject lines should be concise with concreteness, giving the user a slight summary of what’s in the email. Get a bit personal with subject lines, for example, use the recipient's name to get their attention. Keep in mind to not clickbait your readers because that would lead to an immediate unsubscribe.

  1. Enquire Feedback:

The best way to keep in touch with your subscribers is through feedbacks. It allows them to give their opinions on different kinds of stuff like, what they expect from you, are they even satisfied with your emails or what could they suggest to make things better. People usually unsubscribe without telling their issues so it’s better to have a regular survey to know where you are lacking. Surveys like these need to be quick and short to be convenient for the user.

  1. Email Frequency:

To avoid unsubscribers, one should know how to properly deal with email frequency. The subscriber should not get irritated by the rapid emails hitting his inbox. Spamming is also a big issue due to which people unsubscribe. So, it’s better to mail them with a gap of a couple of days or maybe within weeks. Quality before quantity should be the rule.

  1. Discount Offers:

Probably the best email marketing technique is to arrange sales and give discount offers to your customers. This will surely keep them subscribed for new deals. For example, companies provide discount codes on food, clothes, accessories, etc. This brings urgency to the subscribers, making them wait for your upcoming emails to find out what’s new.

Hope you enjoy reading "Unsubscribe Rates Going Up? 5 Ways to Stop It Now" :)

1 Tip For An Efficient SMS Campaign

Keep up with trends

In this modern world of technology, you most certainly should not lack behind when it comes to new trends. Even if you do, you should never let your brand fall behind.

Almost everyone carries a smartphone these days; loaded with various social media applications. The social media tends to set up new trends every other day. You obviously cannot follow all trends. So, a viral trend is what you should be looking for.

You must keep a look on all famous social media sites. Such sites including ‘Instagram’, ‘Facebook’, ‘Twitter’, etc. A team could be set up partly for this task.

As soon as you observe a trend going viral on social media, you might want to grab the opportunity of making your brand follow it as well. You could start competitions regarding these trends.

An SMS regarding it could be sent out to all your subscribers to keep them involved. You might keep this trend following competition exclusively for your subscribers.

The Ultimate 1 Email Marketing Checklist – Before You Press Send

Verify The Purpose Of The Message And Who It Is Meant For

In email marketing, one of the biggest flop – as well as the most embarrassing flop – is sending the wrong message to the wrong client. It is such a mistake that can’t be corrected. Once an email is sent to the client and the client has received it, it can’t be unsent or retrieved from the client’s email box. Thus, double checking an email and its purpose is the ultimate thing to do before sending an email.

One way you can avoid this flop is by profiling your email lists. This way, there will be fewer chances of sending the wrong message to the right client. Another way you can double check is by inspecting the content of your autoresponders. As good as automation systems may sound, if content creation is totally given to robots, then there is a greater chance of sending badly written messages to your email contacts.

One Landing Page Mistake That Can Kill Your Conversions

Missing strategy in writing the content

Different website visitors have a different response to tactics based on various things. However, the common mistake is that you have created the content just for one category of the website visitor. Thus, you lose the chance of converting other visitors into customers.

There are various factors, causing a variation to the visitor type. For instance, the frequency of visiting the landing page and their activities on the page can cause the difference. The visitors of every type have different anticipation from your landing page. You have to create the page for visitors of all types. Show the benefits, obtained from your service and products. You can include others' reviews in this landing. You may also write a few words on the features, integrated with your products. This type of landing page design will serve visitors of different types. The visitors will get the best value from visible your site.

1 Tip For Perfecting Your Email Etiquette

You're not a Robot:

While typing the email, you should be aware of your tone and the emotion you put into the content you are writing. Yes, letting your emotions overpower you is wrong, but in order to not sound like a complete bot or make your reader feel as if they have been sent an automated message, add some feeling into your text (we are not saying that automated messages aren’t useful but in some cases, try writing yourself!).

Use emotions like guilt, anger, sadness, desire to bond with the reader, especially if you’re a service trying to sell something. If you’re writing on a personal level, whether your tone is formal or not, make sure to inculcate a slight touch of humanity into your email by asking the recipient about their health or day. This would not only put a good impression on them, but you’ll also seem like a genuinely sweet person.

1 Tip For Writing Email Marketing Copy That Converts

Automatize and use behavioral set-offs

There are many tools and strategies to automate your campaign to always respond to your users’ reactions to your email marketing copy. Behaviour set off emails are sent to any action taken by the reader. It always creates more converting emails because of urgency we create to respond to the action taken by the user.

An automated response can be systemized as a response to the following events:

  • Downloading content and viewing your page
  • Click, form submissions and visits
  • To the dormant subscribers
  • Reminders for the upcoming purchases and sales
  • For a page abandonment
  • For the welcome emails

There are many more triggers that require a beneficial automated response. Conversion rates are always dependent on the minor details which we tend to forget. Even in the automated responses, do not forget relevancy. Make sure they are relevant and provide value.