5 Great Email Signature Examples And How To Create One

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Are you stepping into the world of email marketing and want to learn all the basics? Or do you want some examples of emails sent to subscribers? Here are the 5 great email signature examples and how to create your own.

  1. Be clear and concise, but tell who you are

A lot of people often forget the importance of an email signature. It is like an afterthought that you don't even feel like putting that much attention to even when you remember it.

But there is a lot about an email signature that can improve your brand's image in the eye of your email recipients.

So, if you intend to make a great email signature now, one of the most important things to take note of is the kind of information you want your email signature to convey to your email recipients.

First of all, you need your first and last names, then your role or position within the business, team, or what have you. If you have contact numbers to list, include a maximum of two ways to reach you.

Tell who you are but be clear and concise so people get the idea.

  1. Use basic colour scheme and fonts

Still in alignment with the idea of clarity, you don’t want to use fancy colours or fonts for your email signature. Sure enough, you want your email signature to stand out from the rest of the text.

After all, your email signature should be grabbing attention, but not much, really. The main takeaway from your emails is the content, and your email signature should just be clear and easy enough to read without being distracting.

Basically, the idea is that your email recipients should be able to locate your name and contacts should they need that information. With that being said, create your email signature with basic colours and fonts.

Black and blue are usually the colours to go, but the overall design just needs to look balanced with the rest of your email. Names and titles look good with serif fonts.

The subsequent information would look better in sans serif fonts.

  1. Social media buttons

Do you think that social media icons are pretty? They are surely attractive, but on top of that, they are also easy to recognise.

If you have a social media profile that is relevant to your brand and business, don’t hesitate to include their easily clickable buttons in your email signature.

Social media icons add a layer of attractiveness to the overall design of your email signature without being too much. But the most important thing about your social media icons is that they help you gain followers on your social media accounts.

It is also great to know that people can more easily browse the products, services, and even promos you are doing on your social media.

Nowadays, everybody is on social media and many brands need to do the same by having a social media presence. Having a professional look at your social media accounts also increases your brand’s credibility.

  1. Include a nifty call to action

Say, there is an email marketing campaign you are currently on. What's a smart way to promote this campaign rather effortlessly? Include a CTA in your email signature.

At the end of every email, you already have an email signature that contains essential information.

Those pieces of information typically include your name (first and last), your company or brand logo, contact details such as the mobile number and office address, and also social media profiles.

By the end of it all, you can also include an attractive CTA button that is directly related to the current campaign you are running.

For example, if you offer a free download of your digital content, you can include a short CTA that contains a link to a signup form needed for the free download.

The same goes for any other incentive you may be offering your email recipients.

  1. Remember to design for mobile as well

When designing your email, including its signature, keep in mind that a lot of your email recipients will be opening their emails on a smartphone.

Studies have shown that most professionals open their emails on their smartphones and this is especially the case when such professionals are always on the go.

With that being said, remember to design your email signature for mobile as well. One thing to remember is the scale.

Your name and contact info should be big enough so they are easy to read on mobile devices that are substantially smaller than laptop or desktop screens.

On top of that, letters should be well-spaced so reading doesn’t cause a headache. Spacing is especially important when creating hyperlinks that can be clicked with a finger on a smartphone screen.

Your hyperlinks shouldn’t be so small or cramped that clicking on them becomes a hassle for people with big fingers.

Why Buying Email Lists Is Always A Bad Idea?

There are billions of email users in the world with multiple email addresses; with the passage of time, various people have developed the lists of those email addresses which they sell to various marketing and other professionals for multiple uses.

Many email marketers also tend to purchase email lists from the list selling companies which are, in most cases, not considered a healthy habit for a durable and profitable email marketing campaign. Purchasing email lists is not good due to various obvious reasons.

The market is full of email lists providers but these purchased lists can turn into a catastrophic situation for the email marketing strategy. There are a lot many other methods to acquire email lists other than buying it because buying email lists is a clear violation of the GDPR rules of consent.

The professional email marketers also never prefer using the bought lists and active and good email addresses are never presented for sale. Most of the contacts in a purchased email list neither known to you nor they know you; therefore, they cannot be much helpful in marketing purposes.

Sending email messages to a purchased email list can prove to be seriously harmful for the IP reputation and may contain serious deliverability problems. Sending an irrelevant email to an unknown contact can be annoying for the receiving end and may invite some inevitable and unpleasant situations.

For violations of terms and conditions which you have signed while making an email address; the email service provider can impose a penalty; even the violator’s email address can also be suspended or terminated. An email marketing campaign can have serious damage to its repute and performance as a result of using the purchased email lists.

An email account sending spam messages or irritating the users can end up putting his email address on serious risk. Some email service providers are very strict on their policy for the violators and they can serve a legal notice to the violators in addition to terminating or suspending their account.

Hope you enjoy reading "Why Buying Email Lists Is Always A Bad Idea?" :)

1 Tip For An Efficient SMS Campaign

Take Feedbacks From Subscribers

Feedbacks on your campaign from subscribers are always helpful. They do not just help your campaign improve but also keep the subscribers involved.

Most people love having their advice listened to. Many customers want to share their experience with the brand.

Asking customers for suggestions, as part of the feedback, is something that not only makes your customer feel that their being listened to but also help your brand’s campaign. You should ask your customers if they feel satisfied with your campaign. You could maybe ask your customers to type a digit from ‘1 to 5’ (5 being the highest), on how satisfied they are with the SMS service, and send it to your short code.

Subscribers who score your service ‘3 or less’ could then be asked for suggestions. You could even call those subscribers to ask them what complaints or suggestions they have. Customer care is regarded as an important part of your brand growth.

Here Is The One Costly Email Autoresponder Mistake

Neglecting to segment your list

Most people don't realize how important it is to segment their mailing list. Neglect in doing so may just cost you much more than actual sales. Without a segmented list, you automatically miss the chance to map out your clientele, which is never a good idea when running a business.

While it takes more work at the beginning, segmenting your list will save you up more time in regards to market analysis in the long run. Plus, it helps you to decide when and how to send certain types of emails.

Depending on age, gender, location, and other characteristics, such as hobbies; you get a variety of knowledge on your clientele's behavior. It also helps you to navigate through when they might be needing your services. Your Thanksgiving promo may not have much meaning if your recipient lives in Japan, for example. So it helps you to decide when to send an email.

1 Tip For Perfecting Your Email Etiquette

Nondiscriminatory Text:

You should always be aware of what kind of content you are typing such that it does not put any gender, race or religion down. In the world of today, people are quite sensitive regarding discrimination and it is in one’s best interest to always be sure of what they’re sending. For all we know, a minor mistake can lead to undesirable consequences.

Sexist terms should not be used in emails, for example, words like “Manpower” can have alternatives “employees, workers, etc.”. Considering that feminism is quite a huge topic these days, gender-neutral terms should always be employed.

The English language tends to use “him” as a general pronoun but a better alternative would be “him/her”. You should stay alert regarding what words you are using, derogatory terms regarding a specific race are extremely offensive. Even as a joke, you should never type something like that in an email, regardless of who the recipient is.

Always be cautious and never be insensitive, both in email and in real life.

1 Tip For Writing Email Marketing Copy That Converts

Pick the right words

Every word matters because the emails we write are generally short. Choosing your words correctly is crucial to giver the users a good experience and building trust with them. Your words will make you stand out in all the emails they receive.

To make users take action on your email, you need to:

  • Use literary techniques and analogs.
  • Use powerful words to perplex their thoughts in your copy and subject line as well.
  • Make them feel your words by using sensory words and provoking their imaginations.
  • Show the costumers the value they should be having.
  • Use numbers and real data wherever possible to make your copy look more convincing and clear.
  • Do not give fake reviews and promises

If you want your email marketing copy high-converting, you should avoid sordid marketing tactics, or there’s a risk of being reported as spam by your audience!