5 Avoidable Email Marketing Follies


Marketing follies are extremely common, and most marketers without a strategic plan are more likely to experience marketing follies. But worry no more if you’re concerned about email marketing follies because we have listed 5 avoidable marketing follies to help you.

Email Marketing is one of the best marketing techniques in the digital marketing world. Small businesses are stand-out in the competition because of effective email marketing campaigns. Also, some companies didn’t grow in the industry due to poor email marketing campaigns and make the same mistakes again and again.

Are you thinking of growing your business or selling products? Are you failing in launching successful email marketing campaigns? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. Here, we will discuss 5 avoidable email marketing follies and how to get rid of them next time.

  1. Writing Bad Subject Lines

The subject line of the email is the main thing that will either attract the customers to open it or let it go. Many companies don’t focus on this aspect and depend more on their products. The reality is that customers will buy your product if clients come to know more about your product and company.

If we look at the successful email subject line techniques, the subject lines should be short, clear, and engaging. People read emails on both PC and mobile devices. Therefore, the best practice is to keep subject lines under 50 characters and get to the point with the very first word. For example, for a discount email, start with something like “50% OFF On The Latest…” notice how the numbers 50% are written before the other words.

As indicated by Zippia, a significant 47% of email recipients make the crucial decision to open emails solely based on their subject lines. If the subject line fails to capture their attention, they’re inclined to instantly delete the email or, in some cases, mark it as spam. Remarkably, a substantial 69% of recipients take this action after merely glancing at the subject line. Therefore, it underscores the importance of personalizing and tailoring the subject line to each recipient’s preferences and interests.

Your subject line should point towards your email recipient. It can lead you to stand out from your competitors and customer’s inbox as well.

  1. No Clear Call to Action Option

A successful marketing campaign works to get a certain response from the audience. This is usually obtained in the form of a call to action. No clear call to action option in the email can ruin your email marketing campaign. It will not convey the purpose of your email, and you are leaving everything on your subscribers to find out what you want from them. Nowadays, readers have become smart enough, but you need to be more vigilant and clear about your intentions in email.

Your email should serve a purpose. Tailor your message accordingly and make sure your subscribers understand the message like, what you want your readers to do after going through the email. You want to promote some event or are looking to make a sale.

You must add it clearly in email by using words like Read more, buy now, etc. Also, it must be visible to the reader.

  1. Ignoring Mobile Friendly Email Design

Nowadays, most people are smartphone users. And people prefer to have everything on their smartphones. This also means that most of the emails, including yours, are more likely to be opened on smartphones.

Recent research unveils a significant shift toward mobile email usage, with a striking 71% of marketing emails now being opened on mobile devices. Campaign Monitor’s findings from 2019 reinforce this trend, indicating that 60% of email campaigns were accessed via mobile devices, while desktops accounted for only 10%, and webmail clients for 29%.

However, an email designed for a computer is not easy to follow on the phone. This is due to the difference in the number of characters appearing for the subject line, image and text quality, call to action options, and overall email design.

Creating an email that is friendly for mobile and desktop will not take much time and will increase your growth. However, if you choose to ignore it, you will lose many possible customers from all the smartphone users.

To avoid that, many email software allows you to create and test your emails on multiple platforms. Doing so gives you an opportunity to correct and make improvements in the message. We suggest you optimize your email for a better conversion rate.

  1. Sending Emails from [email protected]

If your email open rate is low, then it’s one of the reasons is that you are sending emails from [email protected]. It is one of the lousy marketing techniques where the customers are unable to reply to the email. This can cause you to lose subscribers as you are not entertaining your customer’s queries.

A true business and customer relationship require interaction. Therefore, it is really important that you’re able to readily communicate with your readers. It adds personality to the email and builds trust.

The MailChimp emphasizes that in the contemporary landscape of email marketing, the use of no-reply email addresses can be detrimental to campaign success. This is primarily due to their adverse effects on deliverability, the creation of subpar customer experiences, non-compliance with best practices, and the discouragement of two-way communication.

The best way is to send emails from the email address where people can reply to you to ask questions. Doing so allows people to give you their first-hand feedback, and you can make improvements in the products and services. Also, try to add available contact details. You can also add links to your social media pages and official site. This makes it easier for customers to contact you.

  1. Unprofessional Email Look

Professional emails usually follow a certain format that is easy to read. This includes a small introduction, the basic offer, a call-to-action, and the ending notes. While marketing does require you to put aside the rules and be natural, your email should still be professional looking.

Don’t be unprofessional because being professional when writing marketing emails is very important. Being professional is what makes a reader trust you and eventually become a customer.

On the other hand, being unprofessional will show an unfortunate aspect of your company, and it will become difficult for you to keep the readers as subscribers. When people do not trust a business, it significantly reduces their chances of ever making a purchase. This means that if you make this mistake, it will naturally affect the conversion rate.

Other common mistakes that make you look unprofessional to include making grammar mistakes, not attachment files in email, and using disrespectful language.


Following the above tips can help you to avoid email marketing follies and launch effective email marketing campaigns. We hope you will learn from your mistakes and will not repeat them.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Avoidable Email Marketing Follies” 🙂

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