5 Don’ts Of Mobile Email Marketing

In today’s world, email marketing is the best way to remain on the top and generate more sales and increase audiences. If email marketing is done rightly, it will not only boost your audience but will also improve the overall performance of your platform.

The best way is to use mobile email marketing because all of your subscribers do own a smartphone. A smartphone helps them stay updated all the time.

To ensure that you are doing email marketing in the right way, below are some don’ts that you should avoid at all costs.


Don’t send emails that are over promotional:

Your subscribers are not interested in knowing what you are doing to promote your company. A good email is one that speaks about the reader’s interests and their problems.

They want solutions for their problems, and you can provide the answer to them. If your email is entirely about what you have to offer, the message will not be the same. This is why you need to shape it differently.

Tell your subscribers about your new products and what you can expect from them. A good way to do that is to clearly list the benefits and pros and cons. This helps your readers decide if it is actually worth it.

For this purpose, you should be well aware of your audience’s psyche. Only then can you win your audience’s hearts. And lastly, your email design should be mobile-friendly so that all your users can easily read it.


Ignoring mobile devices:

According to a survey conducted by Constant Contact, it was revealed that 61% of people use mobile devices to open their emails. So, if you’re neglecting mobile devices, then you are at a huge loss.

By neglecting here, it means that your emails are not suited for displaying on the cellphone. The subject lines, images, and text in a regular email do not appear the same way on a mobile device.

It is also revealed that almost 40% of mobile users check emails 4 to 5 times a day. This is why is vital to optimize your content to fit a smartphone screen configuration.

However, most of the companies do use a mobile-friendly interface for email marketing, but those who don’t should use it because it will prove to be beneficial for them.

Failing to adhere to this configuration may make your content ineligible on mobile platforms.

Using mobile configuration helps your mail get a better chance of being opened, per an article on the Campaign Monitor website.

There are many tools that enable you to customize your email for multiple devices and still be quick in loading. The easy availability can increase your email’s open rates. It is a necessity because if people are not able to read your emails, they won’t be interested in your offers anymore.


Sending emails from do not reply:

This is a massive blunder that most of the companies are using to promote their brands. Emails are meant for interaction. And if you are just starting out, there will be stuff people do not understand about your business. If you are sending your subscribers an email from the do not reply domain, how will they be able to ask you about their queries?

This lack of communication will only make you lose subscribers. The open rate of your email will decrease.

You should always send an email from an id to which your subscribers can ask about their queries. Always include your social media links and contact information as most of the people are reading your emails through their cell phones so they can easily open the links you provided. In this way, users will get the satisfaction that you are available to solve their problems.


Give them an option to unsubscribe:

Don’t be too clingy with your subscribers. Your emails should help them. After all, you are here to help them with their problems instead of forcing your services.

Therefore, if your audience is not satisfied, make the leaving process easy. Let them decide for themselves.

Sometimes, not all your content is enticing to all your subscribers. Still, some viewers may change their locations, professions, or interests.

In this case, they no longer feel attached to your content, and in these situations, you should allow them options to seek more enriching avenues.

Per an article on the Successwise website, use CRM to handle opt-outs based on their responses.

After emailing your subscribers, you will eventually find out about the few people who are not interested in the emails. There can be many reasons for it. However, keeping them in the list not only ruins your statistics but also changes the image they have of you.

Allow them to unsubscribe whenever they wish to do so. Doing so will allow the uninterested readers to unsubscribe easily. If the process is easy and quick, they might consider joining you again in the future. However, if they feel stuck, you will lose them for good. It is unethical if you are not providing them with this option.


Sending complicated emails:

For business, emails are used to keep your readers educated about your business, so they are able to understand you better. However, many times if you try and push all information inside one email, it gets complicated.

First, a complicated email would invariably be long. Yet online readers are always impatient and want solutions to their queries sooner rather than later.

An email too long will not only distract the reader from the main point, but it can also make them lose interest. Ideally, an email should follow a professional, reader-friendly pattern and should be easy to follow.

Per an article on SendX blog, while introducing a product, keep the contents brief and to the point. Do not rely on text alone and make your email easy to read. Include colorful text, images, and links where necessary.

To make sure your message gets through, you can highlight and recap it all once at the end. This is crucial to do because, if your email is not to the point, it will only bore your subscribers.

Besides, have links and landing page that describes other products in case they are interested.

When you are using several offers within a single email, you are making it impossible for your subscribers to understand the purpose behind your email clearly.

Keeping your emails clear and concise is an effective way of email marketing. By simply following these steps, you can save yourself from a considerable loss.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Don?ts Of Mobile Email Marketing” 🙂

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