5 Emails Every Marketer Should Be Sending

  1. Lead nurturing emails

Are you the type of business that deals with selling stuff that needs time to sell?

Yes, there are things like luxury goods and others that cost a lot of money and buying such things can be considered an investment, or people will feel like making a commitment to make a purchase.

For instance, you could also be selling a plan for a set of beauty treatments or a plan for a weight loss program at the gym.

All of these things mentioned require some degree of warming up for a customer to finally make a purchase or subscribe to a plan. When your business model is like this, a lead-nurturing email campaign is just what you need.

With this, you can get more personal with your clients and can help them feel more catered for through segmenting their varied needs. Lead nurturing email has only one goal: conversion.

  1. Welcome emails

Welcome emails are a great opening. They should be sent to new subscribers. When you are running an email marketing campaign, do consider sending a welcome email.

As outlined in a study published by Campaign Monitor, creating a welcome email for new customers and subscribers offers a clear avenue for achieving positive outcomes. This primary correspondence effectively captures the attention of an invested audience comprising individuals who have authentically displayed interest in your product or service.

A welcome email can also act as a first step towards making a more personal approach towards your subscribers. When your new subscribers get a welcome email, it usually also signals to them of more emails will come in the future.

Say a few welcome words in your welcome email and let your new subscribers know how appreciative their subscription is to you.

On top of just a few words of thanks, you can also design your welcome email to contain essential links and other features. It’s great to get your subscriber started on a webpage you want them to visit.

Your welcome email can also contain ways or methods to contact support (or yourself) in case they have further questions.

  1. Survey emails

Even if your business is new, sending out survey emails is still a good idea, though this is something that you will want to do after gaining some new subscribers.

But if anything, whilst your mailing list is still relatively new, you can gain valuable feedback and ideas that could help your brand, product or service get better in the right direction.

Meanwhile, even if you are a brand that has been around for a while, you can also still send out survey emails to gain valuable feedback about ways you can improve yourself.

When you are considering adding new features, sending out survey emails is great assistance so you know for real what your subscribers want from your offering.

According to insights derived from the study recorded by Sendios, this specific email carries distinct importance. When contemplating the incorporation of new features, deploying survey emails proves to be highly beneficial. Within this framework, you convey to your customers that their opinions are genuinely valued. However, it’s recommended to ensure conciseness, as extensive questions often receive less favorable responses.

When making questionnaires, make sure all of your questions are clear and easy to digest and that the survey won’t take longer than 5 minutes (if it’s possible to do so).

  1. Achievement emails

Achievements emails, also called milestone emails, can celebrate all kinds of things.

These emails are appreciation emails that celebrate an important achievement in the life of your subscribers or an important contribution they have made in their lifecycle as part of your community or mailing list.

For instance, the most common type of milestone email is a birthday email. You already know the gist: you send out an automated email that is personalised to the recipient’s name on their birthday.

Another example is an email that celebrates a milestone your brand has achieved thanks to the support and contribution of your subscribers; this is showcasing how much you are grateful for their existence.

Appreciative emails like these examples work to help make your subscribers feel a part of your achievements, too, so it’s a great way to maintain a personal relationship. Make sure to use software to make this easier.

  1. Promotional emails

Of course, promotional emails are a marketer’s favourite emails to send.

As the name suggests, promotional emails contain information about new deals, new releases, special discounts, limited-time sales or bonuses or discounts, basically, all kinds of attractive promotions.

According to findings outlined in the study published by Adobe Experience Cloud, promotional emails are designed with a central emphasis on spreading the message about your product or service to potential customers. These emails might grant access to exclusive content or unveil forthcoming special events. Among the various types of marketing emails that customers receive, promotional emails stand out as the most prevalent.

These promotions are often also the highlight of your email subscribers’ day when they see attractive deals and interesting new releases, so you want to match the email design to invoke that exciting feeling.

Depending on your brand image, you can go casual with your promotional emails or you can go super luxurious and high-class. The most important thing is that the news gets out and many subscribers get a chance to make a purchase.

This will then increase your conversion rate. With that said, have a clear call-to-action button that can easily redirect your subscribers to the page they need to land on to browse the promotional products or services.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Emails Every Marketer Should Be Sending” 🙂

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