5 Essential Email Marketing Metrics And How To Improve Them

  1. Open rate that determines your audience’s level of interest

When running an email marketing campaign, the open rate of your emails is the one thing you want to pay attention to the most. The reason is pretty obvious. When you are sending out emails, it is only natural that you want your emails to be opened.

This is so that your email recipients can receive your good news. But if your emails don’t get opened a lot? What if your open rate is below the industry standard? Something must be up that your emails aren’t getting opened.

Perhaps your subject line isn’t interesting or relevant enough. You can try to include the recipient’s first name in the subject line to grab their attention. You can also segmentize your content based on your audience’s demographic.

Maropost emphasizes the significance of segmenting your audience to enhance relevance and improve email deliverability. Avoid purchasing email lists, authenticate your emails, choose the appropriate sending time and frequency, and adopt a personalized, one-to-one approach in your content. Utilize a recognizable sender name and optimize your subject lines while valuing new subscribers and prioritizing high-quality content.

Such methods are a proven way to increase the open rates of email newsletters, so don’t hesitate to get to work.

  1. Click-Through rate that determines how many people engage with your content

Aside from getting your emails opened, surely, you want your audience to engage with your content, right? Email newsletters typically have content that can be clicked, like short videos.

On top of that, you also want to have links that can get your email readers to visit a page on your website. When a reader clicks on a link or plays a video, their engagement is calculated into the click-through metric.

Tracking your click-through rate can help you see how well your audience interacts with your email content. That way, you can rest assured that your audience is still interested and that readers like the content you have provided for them.

If your click-through rate is low, it means readers do not find your content relevant. Try to use segmentation to send out email newsletters that are relevant to the demographic of your readers.

  1. Bounce back rate that determines your audience’s participation

Aside from the above-mentioned metrics, your bounce rate is also very important to track. When your email bounces back, it means your emails aren’t even getting delivered.

This means your emails don’t even have a chance to be opened if they don’t even arrive at your target’s inbox. There are several reasons emails can bounce back and this happens all the time, so don’t get too fretful about it.

First of all, there is a possibility that the email address you’ve captured is no longer active. It could’ve gotten deleted for reasons you can’t possibly know. Also, it could be that you got marked as spam because somebody didn’t know how to unsubscribe.

Whatever the reason, you could lower your bounce rate by applying an email verification method before somebody gets recorded in your mailing list.

Also, Brevo Blog suggests using a double opt-in process and regular list cleaning to maintain email list health and reduce bounce rates. A reputable email service provider with anti-bounce features is essential. Sending relevant content, avoiding excessive emails, using clear subject lines and well-designed templates, and testing emails before sending are key practices for effective email marketing.

Doing this will ensure that most people sign up using their active email address.

  1. Conversion rate that determines your campaign’s performance

Now, if your email marketing involves selling, the conversion rate is definitely a metric that you want to pay attention to. Actually, sales are not the only thing that can be determined by conversion rate but this is mostly the case.

The conversion rate increases when a visitor to your website makes a purchase. When this happens, your revenue naturally goes up, right?

To increase your revenue, and in this sense your conversion rate, make sure that your email newsletters contain promotional messages that are relevant to the likes and preferences of your group audience.

Make sure as well that the promotions have a time limit that is realistic—maybe a day or two.

A sense of urgency is effective to increase sales but if the timing is too short, people may not have had the time to see your emails and take advantage of your time-limited offer.

Also, an article published by the AcyMailing emphasizes the critical role of crafting impactful newsletters in elevating mailing conversion rates. Vital components encompass design, personalization, attention-grabbing subject lines, compelling preview text, and seamless mobile optimization. Opting for a clean and user-friendly design enhances readability and navigability, ultimately making your emails more engaging.

  1. Track the source to know your campaign’s reach

People who use the Internet can come and visit your website through various means. Some people may simply type in your website’s address on their browser. Some people may get there through a link from another website.

Some may end up there through social media or email newsletters. It is important to keep track of where your audience is coming from so that you can see for yourself if your email marketing campaign is producing results.

That way, you can easily adjust your strategies based on where most visitors come from. On top of that, if you know where your audience is coming from, you can easily design the next strategy with their browsing habits in mind.

Tailoring your email marketing campaign with personalisation is always a good idea. In fact, it should be improved as you go along as email marketing is all about getting personal.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Essential Email Marketing Metrics And How To Improve Them” 🙂

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