5 Missing Things From Your Subject Lines

Subject lines are game changers, and every digital marketer makes different plans for generating good subject lines as it leads to conversion. We have found 5 missing things from subject lines that reduce the conversion rates.

Sometimes, it happens that you see a book whose author is new to you, but the book has caught your eyes. Have you ever thought of WHY? It’s because of the title page or the title itself. You decide to read that book, not because of the author, but because of its attractive title or eye-catching title page.

Similarly, scrolling down your unread emails, you decide to open that one email that catches your eye because of its subject line- hence seen that titles or subject lines are the doorways to want you to read that particular email or book.

Vice versa, if you want to email someone and want him/her to read your email in the first instance, you might find ease in writing the whole email, but making the subject line enticing is a little tough job. Besides this, subject lines matter not only in emails but on billboards, magazines, articles, and commercials. So, the below article will help you in improving your subject lines, which will make them enticing to be read first by the reader.


If you want your email to be read first, make it attractive by writing the necessary information first. In other words, get to the point immediately and describe the other minor details afterward.

Most email service providers ESP issue marketers with a box to accommodate the first 80 words to hint at the preview.

If you ignore the most important pre-header text to entice at the first glance, then you are not likely impress the reader.

Per an article on the My Emma website, forgetting a pre-header text is a big mistake that would land your mail in spam folder.

For example, if you are sending an email as a company to some brand for offering them some benefits, write the major benefit immediately so that it appears on the subject line and attract the brand to read your mail about what benefit are you offering.


It is seen that people are more interested in talking about themselves rather than listening to you. So whenever you are writing an email to offer your services, start with discussing the subject about them and their needs and then connect your service with their requirement.

This will help them to read your email, and chances are high that they will contact you instead of just imposing your services on them.


Studies indicate that subject readers tend to open mails whose subject lines are less than 50 words.

Besides, people love numbers when compared to words as they are more direct, easy to read and precise.

The figures also indicate that the email has to be read in urgency or the company offers a good discount. Whenever a brand offers a discount, it emphasizes on the percentage in its whole billboard and writes the other details in small.

This way, it attracts the customers on the discount percentage without letting them read the terms and conditions.

A short and precise subject line helps readers want to know more. Hence use bullets to highlight the values you’ll offer to prospective clients.

Still, number the percentage savings and incentives these readers would earn when they join. These help to quickly get the details within a short time span, per an article appear on the Growbots website.


Emails with a little touch of getting personal are more likely to be opened. People might open your mail after reading your subject line as they are curious to know what you have written in the email which is directly calling them. You can use pronouns like “you” and “your” to make your email more conversational.


Whenever an email pops out with rhymes, the rhymes attract the reader and make him curious to open and read the email.

Humans are attracted to rhymes from a tender age. Thus, using a rhyming word seems to deserve to open the email and read it, actually. Rhyming words act as music to the ears and people open that email which rolls off their tongue.

Besides, rhyming statements make the contents memorable. You can easily recall your nursery rhymes better than your university lectures.

Per an article on the 2Stallions website, rhyming words make your contents more appealing. This helps persuade prospects to click on the CTA.

Concluding the article, these 5 tips will surely help you get your emails open. I hope you write an exciting subject line by getting inspired by the above suggestions.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Missing Things From Your Subject Lines” 🙂

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