5 Tips To Design UX-Friendly Mobile Pop-Ups That Convert


  1. Exit-Intent Pop-up

An Exit-Intent Pop-up is a prompt that appears on a user’s screen when they want to terminate a page or exit a website. It’s intended to remind the reader that there are some benefits in staying on that site or page.

Before your website visitor decides to close the browser, a message pops up instructing the reader to continue being on the site.

Some may be attracted to the offer and may stay on the site. When this happens, the visitor takes longer on the site. Besides, they may continue reading the email, reaching the CTA section.

When this happens, they may either engage the product promoter for additional information or share the information with others outside the site’s subscription base.

Both ways could eventually lead to sale conversion or additional leads. You may be tempted to use these pop-ups well before the reader even decides to terminate their visit.

Statistics reveal that exit messages outperform other types of popups in terms of conversion rates. Exit popups, in particular, typically yield an additional 2 to 4% conversion rate from your website visitors. As stated by Conversion Sciences, employing exit-intent popups can potentially “save” between 10 to 15 percent of visitors who would otherwise leave your site.

But this action is counterproductive. Google has developed an algorithm that penalizes you with poor ranking when you design a poor pop-up strategy.

  1. Pop-ups Size

Another pop-up strategy likely to increase your conversion is an honest popup. A popup shouldn’t mislead the visitor into accessing the wrong page or make a false promise.

Popups shouldn’t intrude on the visitor. It means that when a reader has opened a page to enquire about a certain service, a pop-up ought not to prevent the viewer from commencing this action.

Besides, the pop-up size matters. An oversize pop-up blanks the entire screen, preventing the reader from viewing whatever details they were seeking from the page.

A pop-up shouldn’t interfere with the site visitors’ experience. Yet some pop-ups are mandatory.

These include age restrictions or cookie compliance requirements. Even though these could prevent the reader from further reading, the popup code should be set in such a way to the page indexation remains intact.

Any attempt to redirect the user to another site or page may cause the user to exit even faster,

  1. Easy-to-close

Popups are structured to promote online sales deals. They do this by capturing the attention of the reader. Once this is realized, a popup would encourage the reader to decide in the CTA segment of the document.

When it appears, the visitor should have the option to close it. A pop-up hence should be easy to close. 

A difficult popup to close may be frustrating. When the reader is unable to close a pop-up, they could simply ignore the site, and delete the email.

They may decide to minimize the popup as the last option out of frustration. This creates a negative opinion among the visitors.

As such, they may ignore the brands or leave nasty comments. Any bad comment is likely to cause a drop in ranking.

This isn’t the result you were seeking when you developed the pop-up strategy in the first place.

  1. Don’t start with popups 

Another bad way to execute the popup strategy is to let it appear immediately after a reader accesses a web page. Let the reader enjoy the topic before your site can follow up with a popup.

EngageBay highlights that the immediate appearance of a pop-up can disrupt the user’s browsing experience and obstruct their access to the content they initially visited the website for. This interruption can lead to frustration and a decreased likelihood of visitors staying on your website. Immediate pop-ups are commonly perceived as intrusive and irritating, potentially overwhelming visitors with marketing messages and diminishing their willingness to engage with your website.

Google analyzes the read pages to establish how long a visitor remains within the site and compute how many readers clicked on the CTA button.

During this process, you may notice that a pop-up is launched on the first page. When this happens, it prevents the analytics from working perfectly. 

Due to the lack of proper computation, the analytical software may downgrade the page, viewing it as being desperate and pushy.

To safeguard against the downgraded organic ranking, avoid running pop-ups immediately after a viewer accesses your site.

Still, make sure that the pop-ups are adding value to the clients. Even if the pop-up is located on the right page, no visitor will click on it unless it offers them value for money. 

  1. Relevance

You may already know that mobile devices continue to play a significant role in digital marketing. Thus you must consider this avenue when developing a winning popup strategy.

In so doing, your guiding mantra with the mobile interstitial should be relevance, position, and timing. A mobile popup can help convert a lot of visitors into sales. 

But the pop-up should address the peculiar needs of the visitors. When discussing dresses, a pop-up that details a car feature is considered to be wrongly placed.

Thus a pop-up must be relevant to the product being discussed. On the positioning, a popup shouldn’t be at the center of the page or too large to prevent the user from reading. 

Instead, it should appear at the side of the screen in a reasonable size to alert the reader, but not disrupt the visitors’ enjoyment of the page.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, numerous ad blockers are programmed to automatically block pop-ups that are excessively large or appear too frequently. To mitigate the risk of these pop-ups being blocked, it’s advisable to maintain their size and relevance. The last thing anyone wants is to be inundated with oversized, irrelevant pop-ups. By keeping your pop-ups compact and pertinent, you can enhance the user-friendliness of your website and heighten the likelihood that users will genuinely read and engage with them.

Regarding the timing, a pop-up should only appear as the visitor considers exiting the page.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Examples Of Using Email Countdown Timers To Increase Conversions” 🙂


5 Mobile Popup Best Practices To Skyrocket Conversions


In today’s digital world, mobile marketing is becoming increasingly important. Mobile popups are a great way to reach potential customers and drive conversions. However, not all mobile popups are created equal. Knowing the best practices for mobile popup design can help you ensure your popup is effective and drives conversions. This paper will discuss five of the best practices for mobile popup design and how they can help skyrocket conversions.

1. Keep It Short and Sweet

One of the most important things to keep in mind when designing a mobile popup is to keep it short and sweet. Mobile users are often on the go and don’t have the time or patience to read through a long popup. Make sure your popup is concise and to the point. You want to get your message across quickly and clearly.

2. Don’t Overwhelm with Too Many Options

Another important best practice is to avoid overwhelming users with too many options. Mobile popups should be simple and straightforward. Asking users to make too many decisions can be confusing and off-putting. Make sure the options you present are easy to understand and that the user knows what action they are expected to take.

3. Utilize Visuals

Visuals are a great way to grab a user’s attention and draw them in. Utilizing visuals in your mobile popup can help make it more engaging and can help draw users in to take action. Make sure the visuals you use are relevant and appropriate for the message you are trying to convey.

4. Provide an Easy Way to Close the Popup

It is important to provide an easy way for users to close the popup once they have seen it. If users don’t have an easy way to close the popup, they may become frustrated and decide to leave your site altogether. Make sure the close button is clearly visible and that it is easy to click.

5. Test and Optimize

Finally, it is important to test and optimize your mobile popup. Testing different versions of the popup can help you determine which one is most effective and drives the most conversions. You can also use testing to optimize the design of the popup and make sure it is as effective as possible.


Mobile popups can be an effective way to reach potential customers and drive conversions. However, it is important to keep in mind the best practices for mobile popup design in order to ensure your popup is successful. By following the five best practices outlined in this paper, you can help ensure your mobile popup is effective and drives the most conversions possible.

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