You might have heard about physical and mental health but have you ever heard about the health of your email marketing list? We have found the 5 tips to improve the health of your email marketing list.
- Make a list of your audience emails:
A celebrity is nothing without his fans and the same goes for bloggers and content creators. As an email marketer, you need to contact your followers.
But how do you do this? First of all, you should create a list of all your audience’s email address. Email marketing is easy since most people check their emails regularly.
As such, with email contact, you can reach a huge following. Besides, your followers have different devices include mobile ones.
Per an article on the HubSpot blog, people tend to check their email immediate the contents land on their devices, which improves the success of marketing campaign.
Track your entire follower’s activity; filter your audience depending on how much they are involved or interested in your emails and replying. Categorize your subscribers into groups based on their likes, dislikes, demography, statistics, views, interest in a brand, and engagement level.
You can divide people into two groups, one in which people are excited about your product and one in which people don’t even open your emails. Check for fake or spam accounts and cut them out of your send list. Find out which email addresses are not replying to your emails and find out the cause behind it. Remove the people who are labeling you as spam. Making a list of your followers is an initial step towards being a great Email Marketer as it shows that you have a plan.
- Clean up your list with Bounces:
After making a list, the second thing you got to do is to check all the email addresses. Your list would be full of spams, bounces, non-responders, and responders you need to eliminate all the things that are causing your metrics and email marketing campaign to go low and causing havoc in your work. Some people are simply not interested in your emails, find the cause, and spark the interest back in their minds regarding your emails or simply remove them.
Deal with the spammers and bounces first. Bounced emails are emails that are not received by a person or couldn’t be delivered. They fall into two categories, soft bounce, and hard bounce. A hard bounce usually occurs when email addresses don’t exist anymore or are wrong. In contrast, a soft bounce is an impermanent condition that could happen without any significant reason such as full inbox, large size emails, and so forth. If the emails are bouncing again, then discard the address from your list.
- Email confirmation and Surveys:
Verifying email subscriptions is one of the ways towards a healthy email marketing campaign. Approval is essential in email marketing; you can’t send emails to everyone, so that’s where double opt-in comes to the rescue.
Confirmation email are vital when the message is important and time sensitive. It piles pressure on the recipient to respond within time.
Double opt-in can help you in engagement with the target audience and would add loyal and interested customers to your subscription list. Before making people your subscribers, send them a confirmatory email with a double opt-in option and let them decide if they want to hear from you or not.
If they wish to receive an email from you, then that implies that they are not bouncers and would like to hear more from you.
Confirmation emails are important in confirm that a transaction or a message have been received and acted upon.
Per an article on the Use Bouncer blog, this type of mail is ideal for business relationship. It makes the recipient aware of the oncoming events and product launches.
Another thing you can do to pique interest in people and build better email marketing health is to run different surveys. Arrange surveys and ask your subscribers about their interest in the product and try to find out how you can improve your product or emails through their reviews.
- KPI and Sales goals:
In the world of marketing, planning, or setting up a goal is essential. KPI short for Key performance indicator is very important for the health of Email marketing. Analyze your everyday results and set up short and long term KPI targets. Healthcare depends on an increase and decrease of KPI and sales. Sending an email is considered one of the best methods to increase sales revenue in the world of business and entrepreneurship.
However, to achieve your target sales you have to put energy and brains to the right area or otherwise, it’ll go in vain and you will experience a decrease in sales. Try to be strategic, write engaging and innovative emails that get your customer to associate with your product, and it will surely increase your sales too. Always monitored and assessed your emails and sales. Make sure that your emails are increasing your sales and if not? Then always prepare back-up plans or alternatives to improve your sales.
- Spam traps and Complainers:
Spam traps are used to identify and check spam emails. They are not practiced very much, but they actively filter the emails.
They are frequently used to eliminate unwanted emails even when the content is good and authentic but is sent to a person without consent. You may not be spamming, but it is necessary to take precautionary steps if you want to boost the health of your marketing.
To dodge spam traps, make sure to filter your mail addresses, avoid typos, set up automated emails to avoid errors, double-check your subscribers whether they are loyal or not, update your list regularly, and ignore purchased lists.
Another problem is with complainers, they are the people who marked your emails as spam and instead of going to their inbox, your mail go straight to their spam box even when they gave you permission themselves to send them emails.
Your mail could go to spam as a result, or email typos are also taken to a spam folder by the search algorithms. Sometimes, a typing error isn’t intentional.
Still, it could end up in the spam trap. You can avoid a spam trap getting into your list by avoid purchased email lists and verifying correct email addresses, as per an article on the Sendgrid blog site.
So, to avoid entering in a spam box without any reason add small unsubscribe button in your emails so if they don’t want to hear from you anymore? At least they can remove you, instead of sending your emails to spam.
In brief, we discussed how people can improve the health of their email marketing list if they follow the five simple tips provided. Understanding these tips can benefit you, and you can see the results after implementing them.
Hope you enjoy reading “5 Tips To Improve The Health Of Your Email Marketing List” 🙂
FAQ – What Is The Best Part Of Email Marketing?
In the contemporary era, email marketing has a clear edge over all other sources of marketing due to several obvious reasons. A nicely tailored email with well-managed content can bring a reasonably high return on the investment which can be precisely measured with, “track to basket” tool.
This is considered to be one amongst the best parts of email marketing through which a business can significantly improve its forecasting in order to pin pointedly hit the target clientage. Being contemptibly cheaper than other sources of marketing is another best part of email marketing; in particular, this serves to the best of interests of small-scale businesses that cannot afford high-priced advertising instruments.
Email Service Provider (ESP) that can generate, dispatch, and analyze the behavior-based response ultimately guiding the marketer to employ the best marketing strategies is another advantage of email marketing; which might not be enjoyed in case of using other marketing platforms.
The time-saving and cost-effectiveness of email marketing is also unmatchable especially when utilizing multimedia resources with innovative and creative skills. All the content used in emails including data and audiovisuals can be easily extracted, downloaded, digitalized, printed and reused for other supporting types of marketing campaigns.
Email marketing has played a significant role in supporting and expanding the e-commerce businesses by bringing boosted order value as well as the increased response rate through direct email marketing instead of sending and receiving the standard emails.