5 Ways Readability Will Boost Your Email Engagement Rates

In today’s digital age, email marketing remains a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audience and drive conversions. However, with the average person receiving dozens of emails daily, standing out in a crowded inbox can be challenging. One crucial factor that often gets overlooked is readability. By making your emails more readable, you can significantly improve engagement rates, leading to more clicks, conversions, and stronger customer relationships. Here are five ways readability can boost your email engagement rates.

Simplify Your Language
Using simple, straightforward language is essential for ensuring that your message is easily understood by a broader audience. By avoiding jargon, complex sentences, and uncommon words, you make it easier for readers to grasp your content quickly and take the desired action. It’s essential to use familiar terms and short sentences, making it effortless for the reader to comprehend the message without having to decipher complex terminologies, phrases, or sentence structures.

When crafting an email campaign, consider your audience and tailor the language accordingly. Use simple words, short sentences, and clear, concise paragraphs. Always avoid industry jargon and acronyms that may confuse readers outside your industry. Ensure that the tone is conversational and engaging, making the email more inviting for the reader to engage.

Research shows that simplifying language is effective in boosting email engagement. A study by the Federal Plain Language Guidelines found that when documents were written in plain language, readers took less time to read and understand the content, and they were more likely to take the desired action. This principle can be applied directly to email marketing, making it crucial for businesses to prioritize simplicity and clarity in their messaging.

Use Appropriate Font Size and Style
Choosing the right font size and style is equally important for readability. A font size that is too small can strain readers’ eyes and make it difficult to read your email. Similarly, an overly stylized font can be hard to decipher, negatively impacting engagement. The key is to choose a clean, simple font between 12 and 14 points in size and ensure that it is easily readable on both desktop and mobile devices.

According to a survey by Litmus, 42% of all emails are now opened on mobile devices. This means that choosing a font size and style that caters to mobile readers is more critical than ever. It is essential to ensure that the font size is large enough to be easily read on smaller screens without requiring readers to zoom in. Similarly, the font style should be simple and avoid scripts or excessively decorative styles that might be challenging to read on small displays.

Additionally, studies have shown that using a larger font size and a plain font style increases comprehension and recall of the information. A study by the University of Michigan found that participants remembered more information when it was presented in a larger font size and a plain font style compared to a smaller font size and a decorative font style. This emphasizes the importance of using the appropriate font size and style in email marketing as it can directly impact the reader’s ability to recall and engage with the content.

Break Up Content with Subheadings and Bullet Points
Large blocks of text can be overwhelming and intimidating to readers. By breaking up your content with subheadings, bullet points, or numbered lists, you make it easier for readers to scan your email and find the information they’re looking for. This can help increase engagement by making your content more approachable and easier to digest.

Use White Space to Your Advantage
White space, or the empty space around your content, can significantly impact readability. By using ample white space, you create a clean, uncluttered layout that makes it easier for readers to focus on your message. This can help improve engagement by reducing visual noise and drawing attention to your call-to-action.

Include Visual Elements
Visual elements, such as images, videos, and infographics, can help break up text and make your email more engaging. These elements can also help illustrate complex concepts, making them easier to understand. However, be mindful of the file size and format of your visuals, as oversized files can slow down email load times and negatively impact engagement.


Readability is a critical factor in email engagement, and by implementing these five strategies, you can significantly improve your readability and, in turn, your engagement rates. By simplifying your language, choosing the right font size and style, breaking up content, using white space effectively, and including visual elements, you create emails that are not only easy to read but also enjoyable to engage with. Ultimately, this can lead to higher click-through rates, increased conversions, and stronger customer relationships.

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