When you want to become a successful email marketer through any social media, here the Pinterest, it is the most efficient and effective trendsetter nowadays. Pinterest comes under the top three social media platforms. Let’s see how to use Pinterest for more audience.
Gain more leads from Pinterest
Pinterest is a very popular platform and is gaining more users every single day. Not using such a platform can rid you of many valuable leads.
Unlike other platforms, you can quickly get both direct and indirect leads through Pinterest. A direct lead is gained when there is the content of Pinterest that links to your website.
One of these is the idea pins. It’s used to tell a story more like the Instagram Stories.
On the other hand, an indirect lead is when you are using it before a conversion takes place. In both cases, your content is available to a new audience, and the availability on multiple platforms makes it easy for people to reach you.
Idea pins allow you to record, edit and share many pages of content within a page. You can also add a voiceover, or tag to other accounts.
If you follow some simple tactics, you can get the audience with few efforts. Use a 2:3 ratio of tall images because while people scroll, there are more pinning opportunities for this size image.
Go with a relevant board topic idea and describe it wisely. Hashtags are on-trend now, and Conduct contests and challenges occasionally.
Per an article on the Hub Spot website, idea pins expire within 24 hours, helping you save space, while also allowing you extensive reach.
Make your emails more pinnable
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and it is a known fact that pictures and words speak on Pinterest. If you try verbosity in your description, it is the greatest mistake that you make.
Text tends to be boring if your email has too many words. To keep the reader fresh, you need something colorful and different. Adding images and gifs makes your email more presentable, and you can also pin it on Pinterest.
Pin colors are attractive and convey the message with few words and less space. All you have to do is select a good and catchy color scheme to thrive above the competition.
Women are the main Pinterest users, thus include bright colors in your pin selection. Using warm shades such as orange, red, and brown works.
Per an article on the Linkedln website, creating pins that focus more on products is more effective.
Your description, which is within 200-300, should pique curiosity to go more. Include images in your email, which pave the way for easy pinnings. Don’t forget to add your Pinterest icon in your email’s footer.
Make Pinterest pins as your email content because it brings more interest to your customers. Pinning these will also act as a bridge for the Pinterest users and your email subscribers. I suggest you collaborate interactive emails with this that works perfectly.
Share the opt-in on your Pinterest boards
To conduct a successful email campaign, you need more leads. Here is a simple technique. For this, you need to add links, and this is pretty simple to do. One of the ways to do that is by adding the URL in the description. For example, you can share the URL, which has the email opt-in in your Pinterest description.
Through this, your customers find it easy and sign up. Also, if you use a text overlay method in your pin-images, it intrigues your audience to sign-up. However, the text and characters are limited. Therefore, you will need to get to the main point and express your message in those few words. Ideally, the message should be intriguing. Select your terms cleverly because it is going to arouse curiosity, but don’t overuse the same thing because it may annoy.
Also, avoid copying exact lines from other pages as these are not unique. However, make sure that the line is relevant to your reader in some way. That will help in intriguing the readers.
Use Rich pins to reach high
Rich pins are highly in use to give a fresh idea about your content. The marketer can choose a perfect rich pin for his marketing product. When using pins, you need to make sure that these are not out of date. Luckily, that’s exactly what rich pins give you. You don’t need to worry about updating rich pins because they are automatically updatable.
Rich pins give a professional look to your Pinterest profile, and it becomes more attractive. However, since the content is relevant to your readers, it also does not create distance and, instead, allows them to better interact and understand your message. When you use a rich pin properly, you increase not only your customer engagement rate but also the open rate. It is also really easy to add these pins, especially if you are using WordPress. Just get the metadata, validate, and you have the rich pins all set to work.
Make your customers follow your Pinterest boards
Pinterest boards are the super place to collect and organize your pins. It navigates your customers to your profile. You can create either a regular board or a group board.
Group board allows others to pin too. Group boards drastically boost the customer engagement rate.
You need to remember that pins are more likely to be re-pinned if they don’t feature faces.
Using pin boards can segregate different audiences seeking specific interests. Also, use simple keywords that are already popular in Pinterest searches.
When a customer directly engages like this, there are more chances for recommendations. Elevate your customers to brand ambassadors with this trick.
To make this trick more successful, take note of what pins get followed. Note their height, logo types, and other qualities. Then add these qualities to your pins, so the people like it consider following.
Marketing through Pinterest brings excellent attention to your product or service. Per an article on the Linkedln website, upgrading your boards works wonders in impressing your visitors.
Once you impress your target audience, I’m sure they come back again and again. When you have flawless email content along with great pins, you can immensely get more leads and followers with a decent engagement rate.