5 Ways To Increase Your Email Open Rate

If you want to stay ahead of the pack in the world of email marketing, you must have a good email open rate. Email open rate is the total count of users who opened a particular email.

Email open rates are considered as a primary metric to evaluate your email campaign’s performance. In recent times, competition in email campaigns is cut-throat.

Most industries are using this method to reach their customers. So your emails should be unique and attractive. The better open rate will confirm your uniqueness.

Now we are jumping into this article’s key things.


The relevant and eye-catching subject line

The subject line is something that directly affects your email’s open rate. It is the very first thing your readers see, and you need to grab their attention in those few words.

It is a primary point to be considered. Most of the users estimate the email with the subject line and then decide whether they will read it or not. The dull subject lines will surely spoil your game plan.

If all the emails of a user contain the same subject, the user may find it as a spam one. This means that you need to make the subject line unique, so it stands out from the rest of the emails.

Online visitors are impatient and busy, thus feeding them with lengthy subject lines wouldn’t fit the bill. Studies indicate that the maximum sales email subject line ought to be less than 60 characters.

Anything more than this is too wordy and is, therefore, most likely to be left unopened. Yet, the subject line contributes to 47% more probability of the mail being opened and read, per an article on the Blue Host blog.

Use simple but intriguing words and get to the point. Don’t always be formal. Just use a friendly tone and entice curiosity, which enough to check the email. Keep an eye on the count of numbers and emojis that you use in the subject line, don’t overuse them.


Updating the list regularly

It is not an easy thing to attract every user into your business. Although the emails are good, some of the subscribers won’t open it. While it can sometimes be discouraging, this is a natural part of the entire email marketing process. However, those unengaged readers still affect your email statistics, including the open rates.

Therefore, you must get rid of those users and increase your open rate. Before you remove them, just give the last effort.

Usually, this involves sending a re-engagement email to win back the interest of the inactive readers. If they want to unsubscribe, they are removed from the list, and you get a cleaned email list with all active contacts.

An inactive member could be identified from users who did not open your emails for the past 6 months. Just continue with the engaged users and interact with them, so you are able to provide them a better experience.


Check your timing

The good thing about emails is that they can reach a worldwide audience free of cost. However, all these people are different and belong to various time zones.

In order to build a better connection with your readers, you need to make sure that your email reaches them according to their time. To have a huge crowd, you must go the extra mile.

Yes, time is a vital point in email marketing. However, in order to do this, you will need details on the demographics of all people in your email list. This is where A/B testing comes in.

A/B test is a good option to select your timeframe. Do complete research about this kind of time frame and zones. Select the one which would be the best for the email campaign.

But there is a typical sweet send time range that most subscribers utilize. It falls between 10 and 11 o’clock.

More than 6% of online campaign marketers send their emails at this time. Again, the likelihood of these mails being opened by the recipients within an hour is high.

Still, the hours of submission is also influenced by days, per an article on the Popup Smart website. When you need your email to be open, send it on a Friday, and if you need people clicking on your CTA, then submit such emails on Tuesdays.

Apart from this, keeping a touch base with your subscribers is an essential matter. Doing so not only adds personalization to your emails, but it also increases your email open rate as people are available to read the email at that time.


Send with a valuable content


The key behind using emails is to interact with your reader and build trust. For this purpose, you need to give something, so people find it worth their time. Interesting and relevant information is one of the things you can include in your email.

Once your subscribers find your content useful, they will surely open future emails. There are many ways to create an educational email. However, remember that you are trying to interact with your audience. A formal email will maintain a distance between you and your subscriber.

On the other hand, using informal but personalized writing will make you appear as a person to your readers. Friendly writing, which has a good sense of humor, will work with no doubt. If you are able to bring a smile to your reader’s face, the email is a success. Don’t complicate the words and sentences. Just go with the flow, connect with the subscribers, and get a high open-rate.


Strictly no spam filters


Marketing emails go through tons of editing, thinking, testing, and of course, the spam filters. If you want to have your emails read, these should pass the spam filters. These filters are not perfect and instead work on certain triggers.

These include too many capital words, exclamatory marks, and a few others. The spam filters may seem to be the best, but they do not work properly every single time. Even good emails can get stuck in the spam filters.

However, there are many ways to avoid them. First, you will need a trusted source for sending emails.

Select a verified domain name and send it from a good IP address. This means that you have to evaluate the domain history beforehand to appreciate that it isn’t a conduit for spreading phishing or malicious mail.

Otherwise, all emails originating from the unverified domain would be flagged as spam. Some people think of using their email accounts; however, that does more harm than good.

Next, per an article on the Optinmonster website, make your email unique and add the promotional content in a natural way. Additionally, segment your list so you can stop sending generic emails and avoid being a spam email.

Email marketing is not a no-brainer work. You should learn the tricks and techniques before you start. Once you start it, follow the above guidelines for a decent open rate. There are more ways, but I summarized the important ideas here. Keep trying always.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Ways To Increase Your Email Open Rate” 🙂

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