5 Ways To Use An Email List For Your Podcast

An email list is created to promote the next event or send reminders. Podcasters have an email list of their subscribers to understand their audience and stay connected with them. Here are the 5 ways people can use an email list for their podcast.

There is no doubt that email marketing is one of the greatest ways to boost your sales or advertise your product and service. There are a lot of advantages of email marketing, and if you are not using it to your advantage, then you are making a big mistake. This is why it is important to build a contact list as soon as possible. If you skip email marketing, then you will be letting a lot of potential customers slip away. Email lists can also be used for podcasts. Here you will find five ways to use email lists for podcasts.

  1. Urgent Messages

One of the biggest advantages of using email lists is that they can help convey important messages. These messages could be related to anything ranging from important sales and discounts to errors in a podcast. Emails are something that people can easily read on their phones, and if you want to tell your viewers something important, then email is the right way to go. With the email push notification setup, you can be sure that your readers receive the message quickly. Another advantage of the email is the subject line that shows in the notification. If you include your urgent message within your characters, then readers will understand your message even before opening the complete email.

This comes in handy when something goes wrong with your podcast feed, and it suddenly stops airing or when your website is down for maintenance. You can then use the email list to notify your viewers about the problem.

  1. Teasers

As mentioned before, email lists are a great tool for marketing. If you want to create hype related to a new series or episode, then email lists are the best option. However, before selling a product, you need to grab your readers’ attention, and this is where teasers come in. A teaser acts like a small trailer, and you give your audience a glimpse of what is about to come.

You can send small teasers to your viewers so that they will get interested in the next episode. Once their interest is built, the chances of them reading the next email and joining a podcast increase significantly. A teaser also allows the readers to quickly judge what is in it for them.

According to findings shared by Mailer Lite, employ teasers as a means to spark curiosity and capture the interest of your email subscribers, motivating them to click through and access complete podcast episodes. Offering a tantalizing preview of the valuable content your podcast delivers enables you to harness the potential of your email list to boost both traffic and engagement for your podcast episodes, consequently fostering the growth of your listener base.

A lot of podcasters do this, and it is a very important step because if you don’t create the hype related to an episode, then it will not get enough viewers.

  1. Exclusives

It is a known fact that people have less time on their hands, and when you are asking for their time, it should be meaningful. That means that if you are going to encourage people to subscribe to your podcast, then you need to make sure that you give them something worthwhile in return.

One of the best things to do in this circumstance is to provide your subscribers with some kind of exclusive content. This content should only be visible to your subscribers and can be a free e-book, pro tips, a discount, or even a digital product. However, it should be relevant to the podcast and your reader’s interests.

Drawing from insights presented in the Captivate study, harnessing exclusivity through your email list is a powerful method to elevate the reach and influence of your podcast. Extend special privileges to your subscribers, including access to exclusive content, early previews of episodes, behind-the-scenes glimpses, or exclusive interviews featuring prominent guests.

This content is exclusive not because it is paid but because it is for a limited audience, and that is your subscribers. This special service makes them feel appreciated, and it also proves to be an important step in building a successful business-customer relationship. If the gift is related to your message, it will also increase the impact of the podcast.

  1. Questions and Answers

You should keep your subscribers very close to you; this means that you should take special care of them. People feel happy and appreciated when you get personal with them, and this is easily possible with email lists.

This is because emails can be personalized for each reader. When you combine both podcasts and emails, it gives you a targeted audience that is already familiar with you and your business.

In the next step, you interact with these readers by addressing their problems. Read their comments and learn what they want to ask. Then formulate your answers and use these email lists to answer the questions people are asking regarding your podcast.

According to findings shared in the Drive Apix study, this approach not only cultivates a community spirit and interactivity but also motivates subscribers to maintain their engagement and eagerly anticipate your podcast episodes, as they recognize the potential for their questions to be addressed. By actively engaging your email list in the content creation process, you establish a more interactive and tailored experience, fortifying the connection your podcast has with its audience.

This adds personalization to the email, and by delivering such emails, your viewers will feel like they are being heard. Moreover, this gives you a chance to get first-hand feedback from potential customers and improve your products and services.

  1. Launch Products

Lastly, one of the main reasons to use email lists for podcasts is to launch products. Professional businesses always market their products before launching them officially for the public. This is done because the customers need to know what is in the product for them and how they will benefit from it.

However, marketing does not always come as cheap, and the number of people you can reach is also limited.

Emails, on the other hand, give you a cheaper alternative as they:

  • Give you access to a global audience.
  • Are cost-friendly
  • Are really easy to create.
  • Every email is directed to a very specific audience, which increases the personalization of your message.

A lot of podcasters today create their own merchandise. Therefore, it is important to market those products, and email lists can help with that. When your listeners know what they will receive beforehand, the chances of a more specific audience listening to your podcast increase, which in turn increases the conversion rate.


These were some of the main ways that you need to know about when it comes to using email lists for the benefit of your podcast. Podcasts have become highly popular these days, and there are a lot of people who are listening to them. If you want your podcast to get popular, then you will need to reach a bigger audience. With the help of email lists, that becomes possible.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 Ways To Use An Email List For Your Podcast” 🙂

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