66% Of Emails Are Opened On Mobile- Here’s How To Go Mobile-First

Mobile-first is an approach of designing an online experience for smartphones before doing it for any other device. The heading itself explains the reason for this attempt.

This latest trend gives a more user-friendly stage for email campaigns. Here we see how to go mobile-first.


Concise content in a readable manner

Most of the users read the emails on their smart devices like phones and tablets. The requirements of mobile email differ from the desktop so you must satisfy all need to provide a well mobile-optimized email.

The user must not feel uncomfortable while reading your email. There more chances for email deletion if they find difficulty while reading so your email must fit with any mobile screen.

In fact, studies support this action. They indicate that 71% of readers delete emails that aren’t configured to fit their device screens properly.

The action is ugly from your brand perspective. It lowers your reputation since your subscribers note that you aren’t giving them what they expect.

Per an article on the Mailmodo website, using a scalable design that restructures on both mobile and desktop screens helps.

Once it is in a simple setup, the next target is about creativity. Use short and meaningful words to express your stuff. An average person spends time 15-20 seconds to read an email. So you have to conclude the point within that range.


Use conspicuous and short subject lines

A vital point to be noticed by an email marketer. Subject lines decide the open rate of emails. A mobile screen displays nearly 20-30 characters of a subject line at once.

A typical desktop displays about 60 characters of an email subject line. On the other hand, the mobile screen has a space for just half of this size.

Yet most marketers use subject lines that are way longer for mobile screens. Never let the email subject lines to be cut off by the screen because a dull subject makes to move the email directly to the spam folder.

Per an article on the Campaign Monitor website, two in three online users open their emails on mobile devices. As such, check the ratio of your mobile users to determine the best subject line length.

Avoid greetings in the subject line and specify your needs. The more you create curiosity in the subject line is, the more you create a high open-rate simultaneously.


Featured formatting with a perfect personalization

Most of the subscribers take an overlook of the email before they start reading. If they find it useful and attractive, they understand the rest. This section has some significant points to consider.

A friendly word choice is a more fundamental object in email marketing. Use the text size wisely and bold the important words. Don’t use navigation bars because they create a mess. State the essential terms at the start because some users may read the beginning only. Practise vivid colors for graphical content and make sure that you don’t output smears of colors.


Mobile friendly pages for Mobile-First Design

If you are in a must to provide a separate hyperlink or navigation bar in your email, add them in the middle of your content and make it a bit more significant. When you wish to add a link like this, you must concern about that link’s page too.

The same goes for the image positioning. Ensure that your images are mobile-screen configured. This means that an image that would appear on the side of a text on a desktop would reposition itself to be either on top or below the text.

Per an article on the Zendesk website, a responsive email design is paramount here. You must apply all the rules that you did for an optimized mobile email to that page. The pages must be neat and accurate about the content.

The marketer has to be more pensive if he’s proving any offers or discounts through email. If the page irks them, they deny your inducements.

In the end, you can’t easily avoid this mobile-first trend if you want a successful email campaign. Use the abovementioned tips to understand your customers and improve your business.

Hope you enjoy reading “66% Of Emails Are Opened On Mobile- Here’s How To Go Mobile-First” 🙂

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