How to create an email opt-in that begs to be clicked: 5 Ingredients

The major reason behind sending those emails to the subscribers is to increase conversion rates and traffic. If you want tips, keep reading because we have found 5 ingredients to create an email opt-in that begs to be clicked.

Email marketing can surely serve as the right tool to bring your business to the top. But the route to successfully implementing email marketing depends totally on the opt-ins you define in your landing pages.

Opt-ins should be strategically placed so that the customer is bound to provide you with their email address. Here are a few tips that will ensure that your opt-ins are not ignored!

Stop Limiting Yourself

A very useful tactic to get your customers to fill in their email addresses is to leave multiple opt-ins here and there that eventually lead to the same page. Many websites prefer showing a single opt-in but if you want the user to enter their email address into your directory.

Then try to persuade them to do so. You don’t know what kind of service or offer they might be interested in, so add the link to the same opt-in page in multiple areas so that the user believes that he/she has a choice or say in this.

Another way to approach this situation is to explain what they should expect from your website. This way, those that are interested can opt in willingly.

Per an article on the Mail Chimp website, explaining yourself from the beginning is ideal. Tell your prospect the various types of marketing mail they should expect.

Offer Incentives

One thing that you would most probably know is that humans are directly attracted to incentives. If you offer something for free, an extra course, a webinar, etc. people are bound to go ahead and click on that opt-in of yours.

But sometimes, this does not turn out as planned because some users tend to add wrong email addresses only to use your services free of cost. To avoid this, focus directly on keeping people subscribed.

You can do this by making them realize that your emails are worth it. You can do that by dividing your services into emails, e.g. cut a video or document into various emails to keep the readers hooked.

Show Your Opt-in Off

A mistake that countless other website owners are used to make is that they do not make the placement of their opt-in too obvious.

Thus, the opt-in remains hidden under chunks of other data that might not be as useful to the user as compared to the opt-in itself.

So, keep in mind to arrange your landing page in such a way that the opt-in is visible and the users do not get confused by the other text.

The best way to make opt-in button prominent is to avoid clattering it with other words and images. Hence, opt-in button is clearly visible with very few relevant words.

It should also be prominent and easily noticeable. Per an article on the Active Campaign website, decide whether the opt-in is a pop up one, or an interactive opt-in.

Require Less Data

People hate filling out forms and details. No one likes repeatedly typing out their information here and there just for an incentive. So, to get more sign-ups, keep the required details to a minimum. This would not only take the burden off of the customers’ shoulders but would also encourage people to sign up more because the lesser the time they spend doing stuff they don’t like, the happier they are with your business.

Analyze and Plan

It is a fact that all your hard work would be futile if you don’t plan your moves accordingly. You need to analyze people’s behavior regarding how they navigate your site, what pages do they usually go to, etc.

You can use Google Analytics for this. Through this tool, you can find out the above-mentioned information and use it accordingly to plan where to put your opt-ins.

Analytics data provide email key performance indicators. It helps to know what your potential subscribers seek on your emails and website.

By knowing what time most readers are on your site, and how long they take there, you can analyse the trends.

This finding helps design a more responsive opt-in option, per an article on the Smart insight website.

The info would also assist you to know what kind of offer to propose, how to keep the person hooked, and ready to give you their email.

Hope you enjoy reading “How to create an email opt-in that begs to be clicked: 5 Ingredients” 🙂

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