5 Email Marketing Statistics To Learn

Email marketing is worth your time and money because effective email marketing help business generates revenues and increase the response rate. If you want to know more, keep reading because we have listed 5 email marketing statistics that email marketers should learn.

    The amazing ROI of email marketing

    Just a decade ago, businesses relied on paid ads wherever they tried to promote their brand’s existence. Even on the Internet, the main mode of advertisement was still paying for ad blocks on a website.

    That still exists today and is quite important, but the ROI on email marketing is far higher than any other means of internet marketing nowadays.

    Stats have shown that the average ROI on paid ads is around US$17 for every dollar spent. That looks good, right? But SEO keywords put on articles give an average ROI of US$23.

    That looks even better and yes, many businesses do indeed need to rely on good articles and blog posts to promote their brand internet-wide.

    More than 90% of businesses depend on email marketing. And the propagation of email is pretty significant.

    With the recent events such as the coronavirus pandemic, the proportion of email marketing has gained even greater prominence.

    But do you know what the ROI on email marketing looks like? It is US$42 for every dollar spent on marketing efforts.

    Email marketing currently holds the highest ROI for modern marketing. Consumers rank it first, while online marketers place it at top three, per an article on the Constant Contact website.

    The number of email users worldwide

    The amazing ROI on email marketing makes a lot of sense when you think about the number of people who use emails on a regular basis.

    Of course, back we don’t even remember when, people used emails for academic purposes, as well as to get in touch with loved ones.

    All of that has evolved now and thanks to that, more than half of the world’s population now has access to email usage.

    In 2021, numbers from Statista forecast that email usage in 2022 would be at an all-time high of more than 4 billion. If you think that’s awe-inspiring, the numbers are forecast to reach at least 4.6 billion in 2025.

    Imagine the current size of email marketing, and imagine its insane growth moving forward. Any business today that wishes to grow exponentially should utilise email marketing.

    It’s all for brand recognition, conversion, and ultimately, revenue.

    The open rate of personalised emails

    When it comes to email marketing, the open rate of your email newsletters is very important. Without your emails getting opened, how can your messages come through?

    Without your messages coming through, how can you possibly convert, right? Therefore, an email marketer’s main objective should be the open rate of an email that gets sent. How do you get your email recipients to open your emails?

    After all, it’s not like you have power over how your email recipients behave when they receive an email. It’s true, you can’t control what’s on the other side. But you certainly can grab their attention.

    Using personalisation in your email’s subject line can help in this case. This is confirmed by the data from Hubspot blog research.

    Per an article published on the same online publication, Hubspot Blog, personalized messages is only second to subscriber segmentation in drawing in more subscription.

    The survey mentions that 72% of email campaign attain their objectives through personalization of contents.

    Mention the first name of your email recipient and you will grab their attention.

    Stats have shown that emails that use personalisation in their subject line get open 69% more than those that don’t.

    The clickthrough rate of interactive emails

    As you are sending email newsletters, it is a given that you want your clickthrough rate to achieve a high plateau. After all, a higher clickthrough rate also increases your chances for conversion.

    All in all, though, stats have shown that emails that contain interactive content are more likely to receive a contribution to their clickthrough rate. Interactive content can include videos in an email, conducting polling, and survey links.

    The clickthrough rate is increased every time an email recipient clicks on a link that you have included in your email newsletters.

    Stats have shown that emails that contain at least one video receive a higher clickthrough rate—at a 300% increase!

    With all of that being said, though it is a good idea to include a video in your emails, remember to make your emails compatible with smartphones. Most people open their emails on a smartphone nowadays.

    The importance of shopping cart reminder emails

    If your business has a webstore that sells your services, products, or even bookings, remember the importance of sending out email reminders. To be specific, abandoned cart reminder.

    A lot of people don’t really think about abandoned cart email reminders as they are often treated like an afterthought.

    However, stats have shown that businesses that do take this extra step convert 65% to 69% more than those who skip this entire step.

    Email reminders of this nature can be set up automatically to send after a few hours or even a day after a visitor to your webstore has left your page without making a purchase.

    People tend to add things to their virtual shopping cart to check for prices and shipping, but then decide to actually purchase at another time. But they can tend to forget.

    Products and services valued at over 18 billion dollars are abandoned on carts each year. But abandoned cart email could remind these potential customers on their pending purchases.

    Studies show that these emails usually complete the pending sales. Per an article on the Big Commerce website, cart abandonment emails have a 41% open rate and are instrumental in recovering abandoned sales.

    Therefore, using an autoresponder to send out an email reminder makes a lot of sense.

    Hope you enjoy reading “5 Email Marketing Statistics To Learn” 🙂

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