Why Email Hygiene Matters Plus 5 Tips To Keeping A Clean List?

  1. Email hygiene helps you identify broken emails

When you are starting your email marketing, everything is fun and game, until you realise that you have very few sales but the cost of maintaining your mailing list keeps growing bigger.

Gaining a lot of email addresses is not necessarily the biggest goal of a healthy mailing list. The more important thing is that you keep in your mailing list a variety of active email addresses.

Over time, people could ditch their email addresses, which may be inactive email addresses to begin with, when they signed up for your email newsletters.

And as such, occasionally, you want to clean up your mailing list to reduce the number of broken or inactive email addresses.

As per the Smart Passive Income website, each subscriber on our list comes at a cost. This implies that a growing subscriber count increases expenses. However, subscribers not engaging with our emails means we’re essentially paying for inaction. This unproductive spending doesn’t align with wise resource utilization. Thus, if certain subscribers won’t read our emails, the suggestion is to remove them from our list, optimizing our investment.

Thus, you make space for new email addresses that will be active and this should give you better chances at conversion. Use dedicated software to do this to make things easier.

  1. Apply an email confirmation method

Because email hygiene can help you lower the cost of maintaining a mailing list, it goes without saying that you do not want to keep broken or inactive email addresses in your mailing list.

To reduce the likelihood of such a thing from happening, use this method which is known to be effective. Use an email confirmation method.

When a visitor to your website signs up for your mailing list, they won’t be added automatically to your mailing list. Instead, they will be sent an email from you to confirm that their email address is valid and active.

Only after they have clicked the unique link in your confirmation or validation email can they be an active member of your subscription.

This alone doesn’t guarantee that your new subscriber will always be there for you, but it’s good to know that their email address is really active.

  1. You don’t want to be marked as spam

Sometimes, people get sent the wrong emails. Hey, what if someone sneaky used someone else’s email to sign up for your mailing list?

Damn, that would be bad because then your emails will be sent to a person who didn’t sign up for those emails. On the other hand, there are also cases in which a subscriber no longer wants to receive news from you.

Hey, people change and preferences change, okay? Well then, it’s time for these people to go and an unsubscribe button will make their life easier, but also yours, too!

You don’t ever want to be marked as spam just because a lot of people don’t know how to unsubscribe from your email newsletters.

And as such, always include an unsubscribe button or link in your emails for the people who wish to opt out. They’re helping you clean up your mailing list.

As highlighted in an article from CloudHQ, the presence of an Unsubscribe link allows recipients to opt out of receiving further emails if they choose to. These links are essential for maintaining email deliverability and are legally required under various global spam regulations. Including an Unsubscribe link serves the purpose of ensuring that emails are directed to engaged and interested recipients. Sending emails to inactive or disinterested individuals can result in poor engagement rates, adversely affecting the sender’s credibility and potentially causing their emails to be marked as spam.

  1. Email hygiene maintenance helps you manage the cost of owning a list

As mentioned earlier, the bigger your mailing list gets the more you pay for the cost of maintaining that list. This is just how it’s done anyway.

Usually, to host a mailing list, depending on the packages of the brand or software of your choosing, you are given a space to host a number of email addresses within a certain price range.

If your mailing list remains the same size, you can’t gain more new subscribers. That’s why you’re allowed to upgrade your membership so you can host a bigger number of subscribers.

But this also costs you money, right? You can work with both methods actually, either to choose to remain with your original mailing list size or to upgrade.

If you choose to stick with the original size, email hygiene is important. Gotta get rid of broken emails to keep costs reasonable!

  1. You can focus on subscribers who actually care about your business

Email hygiene is actually a great method to keep only subscribers who give a damn about what you do. Seriously. You have fans of your products or services and such people are those who will be happy to receive news from you.

Perhaps they like the idea of getting notified when a new product gets launched. Perhaps there are those who are eager to get the latest discounts. There are also those who want to hear more about you as a brand and how you grow.

According to the findings from Benchmark Email, upkeeping a high-quality email list has the advantage of conserving your time and resources. By concentrating on involving subscribers who authentically show interest in what you provide, you steer clear of expending energy and funds on those less likely to become customers. Such a directed strategy enhances the return on investment (ROI) for your email marketing endeavors.

Basically, have the mindset that you should cater only to those who already like your brand and what you have to offer them.

Of course, people also love exclusive deals so it also bodes well to have exclusive promotions like discounts or premium items only available for those who are subscribed to your mailing list.

Hope you enjoy reading “Why Email Hygiene Matters Plus 5 Tips To Keeping A Clean List?” 🙂

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