What is an Email Preheader? Definition, Benefits, and Best Practices

In the world of email marketing, every detail counts. From the subject line to the design and content, each element plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and encouraging them to engage with the email. One such essential element that often goes unnoticed is the email preheader. This paper aims to shed light on the definition, benefits, and best practices of email preheaders.

Understanding Email Preheaders

Email preheaders serve as a secondary subject line, offering recipients a glimpse into the email’s content. They are vital for several reasons:

Increased open rates: Preheaders entice subscribers to open the email by providing additional information that complements the subject line.

Improved user experience: Preheaders help create a seamless transition from the inbox to the email, reducing confusion and increasing engagement.

Enhanced mobile optimization: Due to the limited real estate on mobile devices, preheaders are even more critical for quick and concise email previews.

Benefits of Email Preheaders:

Increased Open Rates: A compelling preheader can entice recipients to open emails, as it provides a snapshot of the content, creating a sense of urgency or intrigue. By strategically crafting preheaders, businesses can significantly boost their open rates, increasing the chances of subscribers engaging with the email and converting.

Improved Email Relevance: With the help of a preheader, businesses can effectively convey the relevance of their emails to subscribers. By including personalized or context-specific information, as well as aligning preheaders with subject lines, businesses can ensure that their emails stand out in a crowded inbox, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.

Enhanced Brand Perception: When an email preheader complements a well-designed email design and a concise subject line, it creates a cohesive and professional brand image. This, in turn, boosts the recipient’s perception of a credible and trustworthy business, fostering long-term relationships and improving the overall customer experience.

Better Deliverability: Following preheader best practices can help enhance the deliverability of your emails. This is because it shows that your email adheres to standard formatting rules, indicating to email providers that the content is legitimate and trustworthy. As a result, the chances of your emails ending up in the inbox rather than the spam folder increase.

Best Practices

Keep it short and sweet: Preheaders should be between 40-130 characters long, including spaces. Keep the text concise and to the point, focusing on the most important information or call-to-action.

Use action-oriented language: When crafting preheader text, it’s essential to use action-oriented language that captures the reader’s attention and inspires them to take action. Here are some tips for creating powerful preheader text:

a. Create a sense of urgency: Use language that encourages the reader to open the email immediately, such as “Limited time offer inside!” or “Don’t miss out – exclusive deals await!”

b. Pose a question: Arouse curiosity by posing a question that piques the reader’s interest, like “Ready to revolutionize your productivity?” or “What’s the newest addition to our menu?”

c. Highlight benefits: Quickly convey the primary benefits of opening the email, for example, “Unlock 20% off your next purchase!” or “Discover tips to boost your health today!”

d. Tease the content: Give a tantalizing glimpse of the email’s contents without revealing too much, such as “Unveiling our latest product line” or “Meet our new team member!”

e. Personalize the message: Use personalization tokens, such as the recipient’s name or location, to create a more engaging and relevant preheader, e.g., “Hi, Jessica! Check out our tailored recommendations for you!”

Complement the subject line: The preheader should complement the subject line and provide additional context. Avoid repeating the same text or information in both the subject line and preheader.

Optimize for mobile: With over 50% of emails being opened on mobile devices, it’s essential to optimize preheaders for smaller screens. Ensure the text is legible and easy to read on both desktop and mobile devices.

Test and analyze: To maximize the effectiveness of email preheaders, it’s vital to continually test and analyze their performance. Here are some strategies for optimizing preheader text through rigorous testing and evaluation:

A/B Testing of Different Preheaders

One of the best means by which you can optimize preheader text is through A/B testing. Testing different variants of preheaders will ultimately make marketers decide which one works better for their target audience. For example, try changing the tone, length, and calls to action in your preheader. Sometimes, a short and simple setup may work way better than a longer one, and vice versa. That’s the key: systematic measurement of the open rates associated with each version and data insights to refine your strategy over time.

Analyzing Engagement Metrics

Besides just open rates, it is highly important to track a broad range of engagement metrics. Not only should you know how many recipients opened your email, but you should also be tracking click-through and conversion rates. This gives you deeper insight into how your preheader text works in concert with the greater part of the email. If you find yourself receiving high open rates and a lower click-through rate, this might very well be a strong indication of there being some level of disconnect between your preheader and the content of your letter. By constantly testing the aforementioned metrics, you find what areas need improvement and what kind of messaging inspires action.

Comparison of Performance Across Devices

Given the number of different device types through which users access e-mails, it goes to say that testing across devices varies in performance. Many preheader renderings act differently on each device type, and often readability may greatly affect opening rates. Consider testing exactly how your preheader text shows up on various screens and adjust to make sure you are communicating seamlessly to all users. It means that a consistent and interactive presentation empowers the usage of a more engaging user experience to drive recipients to consume your content, regardless of which device they use.

Segmenting Your Audience

Not every segment of your audience will be the same in the case of preheader text. You may want to run variant testing across different preheaders with a variety of audience segments to maximize return. Response examination by demographic groups, customer personas, and behavior trend uncovers preferences dictating how your emails are treated by different segments. Tailoring preheader text based on such insights can increase your engagement rates tremendously by making messaging more personal and relevant to the particular group.

Monitoring Subject Line and Preheader Interaction

Finally, consider how preheaders work together with subject lines. The two go hand in hand; an engaging subject line together with a great preheader will drive higher performance in your emails. Study how subject line and preheader combinations yield user engagement, and optimize your approach based on your findings. And often, just by tweaking the text in the preheader, you make the subject line more appealing for opens.


Email preheaders might seem like a small detail, but they can significantly impact the success of an email marketing campaign. By providing a clear and enticing summary of the email’s content, preheaders can increase open rates, improve engagement, and enhance the user experience. By following best practices and continuously testing and analyzing performance, marketers can harness the power of preheaders to maximize the impact of their email marketing efforts.

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