5 New Ways To Tackle Email Marketing For Your Blog

  1. Share new blog posts with an email

To combine your email marketing with your blogging, make sure that you share updates on new blog posts via your email newsletters.

Yes, you can do both, of course. If anything, this method is a great way to notify your readers that you have a new blog post that is already up and ready for reading.

Your email newsletter shouldn’t contain the whole blog post, of course. Basically, what you want to do is provide a preview of your blog post. So, just a few sentences at the beginning of your blog post.

You could also include some important highlights that you can stylise into a quote. In essence, doing this is also getting your readers to get used to opening your emails in their inboxes.

An article published in the My Emma Blog states that incorporating blog posts into marketing emails offers a multifaceted approach to engage subscribers. This strategy not only showcases expertise, but also delivers valuable content directly to readers, enhancing their trust in your brand. Additionally, sharing blogs can spark curiosity, driving subscribers back to your website, thereby increasing website traffic. By deepening engagement and offering value, this technique fosters enhanced user interaction, potentially amplifying conversion rates and fostering brand loyalty.

It is a great strategy that can improve user engagement with your content, even if you are not selling a product.

  1. Create interesting content that’s relevant

When it comes to blogging, a lot of people are going to think up very complex tricks that get you the traffic you desire. But all in all, there is really only one tactic that will always be ensured to win: great content.

If you create great content, you will always have a reader and chances for them becoming loyal fans are significantly higher. Focusing on just great content may not get you viral really fast, but in the long term, success is guaranteed.

It’s just a matter of time and more effort. Create timeless content that you can update in the future, too. Updating old, popular content is a great way to stay relevant.

On top of that, do remember to create content that is actually relevant to the type of audience you are targeting. Even niche content can get big if you stay consistent.

  1. Utilise a call to action to direct readers to your blog post

When creating preparations for an email newsletter, don’t forget to use this thing email marketers call a call-to-action. A call to action allows you to direct the attention of your readers towards a specific action you want them to take.

Thus, the name suggests it all. You are calling your readers to act upon a specific link or button that you have included in your email newsletter. This call to action can be anything specific you have in mind.

If you want to share a blog post, then the call to action can be simply a link to that blog post.

If you are holding a time-limited sale, then the call to action can use a short sentence that says: ‘USE YOUR 20% PROMO CODE NOW’ or something along that line. Calls to action are a proven method for success.

According to Brevo, for an efficient utilization of CTAs in email marketing to steer traffic towards your blog, it’s essential to ensure that your CTAs are crystal clear, brief, and incorporate powerful action verbs. Whenever feasible, customize your CTAs, position them strategically, and experiment with various CTA variations. Additionally, you can leverage compelling visual elements, infuse a sense of urgency, make your CTA visually distinctive, and meticulously monitor the outcomes of your CTAs to maximize their impact.

  1. Use interesting and engaging images in your emails

Email newsletters are so convenient in that you can literally design them any which way you want. And so, of course, the goal of your design should be to make your email newsletters as engaging as possible. But wait!

This doesn’t mean that the goal of your design should be to include as many flashy things as possible. Making an attractive and engaging design doesn’t necessarily mean putting everything in your toolbox there in a single email.

Rather, the point is to make your emails easy to read but still inspire a good mood. If you can do this, your open rate and engagement rate are ensured to grow.

And as such, you can include images in your emails that will enhance the beauty of your design. Use aesthetic images that are aligned with the aesthetic you already have on your blog.

As per Skyword, content paired with visuals garners an impressive 94% increase in views compared to content presented without images. HubSpot’s research further supports this, revealing that articles featuring an image every 75-100 words experience twice the social media shares compared to those with fewer images. This phenomenon can be attributed to our innate attraction to visuals. Images effectively break up text, enhance content’s scanability, and bolster comprehension. Moreover, they possess the unique ability to convey emotions and ideas in a manner that text alone cannot replicate.

  1. Automate your email marketing

When your mailing list has become quite big, it is a good idea to use automation. Automation for email marketing is called an autoresponder.

With an autoresponder tool, you can more easily manage the growth of your mailing list, which then can directly impact the growth of your blog. Using automation can help with mundane but repetitive stuff that needs to be sent to specific groups of people.

As you can see, doing all of those tasks manually can be super taxing if you do them manually. An autoresponder tool can help you make rules for specific tasks.

For example, you can automate a series of welcome email that contains essential blog posts that new subscribers are likely going to be interested in.

After getting the hang of the welcome email series, you can also automate opt-ins in your footer and segmentize your email newsletters based on subscribers’ preferences and demographics.

Hope you enjoy reading “5 New Ways To Tackle Email Marketing For Your Blog” 🙂

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