5 Items Every Nonprofit Email Should Include

Nonprofit organizations rely heavily on email communications to engage with their supporters, donors, and volunteers. An effective nonprofit email can help to build relationships, encourage donations, and promote volunteerism. However, creating an engaging and informative email can be a challenge. To help, this paper will discuss five items that every nonprofit email should include to maximize its impact.

A Clear and Compelling Subject Line

When your audience receives an email from you, the subject line is the initial item they notice. This subject line can either motivate them to open the email or ignore it entirely, making it a crucial element in determining the success of your email. A well-crafted and engaging subject line can significantly enhance your email open rates, potentially resulting in increased engagement and donations. Here are some tips to help you create an effective subject line:

Keep it short and sweet: Subject lines with 6-10 words have the highest open rates. Avoid using jargon and complex words that may confuse your audience.
Make it relevant: Personalize your subject line by including the recipient’s name or the specific campaign that they donated to. Make sure that the subject line is relevant to the content of your email.
Create urgency: Use words like “urgent,” “limited time,” or “today” to create a sense of urgency and encourage your audience to open your email.
Ask a question: Ask a question that piques your audience’s curiosity and makes them want to learn more.
Test and analyze: Test different subject lines and analyze the results to determine which ones work best for your audience.

A Personalized Greeting
Personalization is key to building relationships with supporters and donors. A personalized greeting can help to create a sense of connection and make recipients feel valued and appreciated. Rather than using a generic greeting such as “Dear Supporter,” nonprofits should use the recipient’s first name, if possible. This can help to create a more personal and engaging tone, and increase the likelihood that recipients will read and respond to the email.

Relevant and Engaging Content

Once you have successfully grabbed your audience’s attention with a clear and compelling subject line, it’s time to deliver relevant and engaging content. The content of your email should be tailored to your audience’s interests and needs, providing value and encouraging engagement. Here are some tips to create effective email content:

Use a friendly tone: Nonprofit emails should be friendly and approachable, building a personal connection with your audience.
Make it visual: Use images, videos, and other visual elements to break up the text and make your email more engaging.
Provide value: Offer your audience something of value, such as a free resource, a discount, or an exclusive event.
Include a clear call-to-action: Make it clear what action you want your audience to take, whether it’s donating, volunteering, or sharing your message.
Keep it short and focused: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information. Keep your email short, focused, and to the point.

A Clear Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a statement or button that encourages the reader to take a specific step, such as donating, volunteering, or signing a petition. A clear and concise CTA is crucial for nonprofits to convert potential supporters into active ones. Here are some tips for creating an effective CTA:

A. Use Action-Oriented Language: Using action verbs like “donate,” “volunteer,” or “sign up” can help create a sense of urgency and encourage the reader to take immediate action.

B. Keep it Simple and Specific: Use simple language and specifically state the action you want the reader to take. Avoid technical terms and complex sentences that may confuse the reader.

C. Make it Stand Out: The CTA should be visually distinct and easy to find. Use contrasting colors or larger font sizes to make the CTA button or link stand out.

D. Test and Refine: Experiment with different CTA variations and track the results to determine which one resonates best with your audience. A/B testing can help you optimize the CTA and improve the overall effectiveness of your email.

Contact Information
Finally, every nonprofit email should include contact information for the organization. This can include a phone number, email address, or physical address. Including contact information allows recipients to get in touch with the organization if they have questions, concerns, or ideas. It also helps to build trust and credibility, as recipients know that they can reach out to the organization if they need to.


Creating an effective nonprofit email requires careful planning and attention to detail. By including a clear and compelling subject line, a personalized greeting, relevant and engaging content, a clear call to action, and contact information, nonprofits can maximize the impact of their emails and build stronger relationships with their supporters, donors, and volunteers. By following these best practices, nonprofits can create emails that inspire, engage, and motivate recipients to take action and support their mission.

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