How To Hire The Right Marketing Writer?

Everything you do for your business requires experienced and trained people. The same applies to your marketing campaigns requiring a good writer. But the question is, what qualities does a marketing writer has? How to hire the right person for marketing writing?

As an entrepreneur, you may pride yourself for being somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades, but if you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve realized that your writing skills won’t suffice for your marketing campaigns anymore. That, or you simply don’t have the time. This is why you’re looking for a freelance writer to hire for all your marketing writing tasks, and you would rather hire the right person in the first go than be constantly frustrated at the work an incompetent writer keeps submitting.

Here’s how you go about hiring the right marketing writer for your business:

  1. Evaluate them on their skills and past experience

Obviously, you need someone with the proper skills to write your content, or you’ll be left pulling your hair out in frustration on every misspelled word and poorly structured sentence you come across in their work. The best way to judge a writer’s skills is to ask for a couple of samples of their previous work before you hire them. These can give you a better idea of the quality of content you can expect from them before actually hiring the writer.

According to a study featured in Forbes, it’s essential to validate a candidate’s prior work by requesting a few samples of their previous projects before making a hiring decision. Additionally, it’s crucial to ascertain the duration of their experience in the field. Thoroughly reviewing their profile and ensuring compatibility with your needs is another important step before finalizing your hiring choice.

Another thing you need to look out for is their past experience in this field. Ask for how long they’ve been in the industry, and pull up their profiles on freelancing websites to check their reviews from past clients. The more experienced they are, the better they’ll perform.

  1. Opt for motivated individuals

As a writer myself, I can guarantee you one thing: we writers do some of our best work when we’re the most motivated. After all, writing is a creative process, and no creative process does well in a boring environment. Now, your brand, e.g. coconut oil, may not excite everyone, but for the few writers who are interested in it, there is a lot of creative potentials here to be tapped into. So, look for someone who’s really enthusiastic about taking on your project, since they won’t be bored by your subject matter and therefore would produce better content overall.

  1. Always discuss deadlines and schedules

Deadlines and schedules are two things you need to discuss right off the bat before you finish hiring a writer. No matter how good a writer is, his work has no value if you can’t get it the minute you need it before the topic of discussion becomes obsolete. Make sure the guy you hire can easily stick to your schedule before assigning him any tasks.

As per research findings highlighted by the Content Marketing Institute, it is imperative that a proficient content writer can consistently meet and adhere to deadlines. It’s crucial to verify a writer’s ability to align with your schedule before entrusting them with any tasks. This aspect of reliability is of utmost importance, as it cannot be overlooked, regardless of a writer’s skill level.

  1. Hire someone who could be a potential customer

Ever heard of the phrase “to catch a thief, you send a thief”? Same principle. Since a potential customer can easily identify what attracts him about your brand and what doesn’t, it’s much easier for him to target others that share similar interests in writing. It’s just common sense.

  1. Make your budget clear from day one and stick to it

And last but not least, never hire someone who you can’t afford to pay. Granted, their writing might be the best you’ve ever come across so far, but if your relationship cannot be sustained for long, then it’s better to opt for someone who’s writing is of at least a decent quality but doesn’t end up draining all your funds.

According to findings outlined in a report by Content Camel, it is essential to establish your content marketing budget to assess your capacity for content creation and distribution. It’s advisable not to engage someone for services if their fees exceed your budget. It’s prudent to hire a writer whose services align with your financial resources, ensuring you don’t deplete your funds entirely for this purpose.

Hope you enjoy reading “How To Hire The Right Marketing Writer?” 🙂

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