Optimize Your Email Marketing with Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps a lot with all the analyzing stages of your email marketing campaign. First, it tracks the responses to all your emails. Here is all you need to know about optimizing your email marketing with google analytics.

Since the world is digitized, the email is considered as a powerful weapon in the marketing field. It is a direct way to reach your customers. Such an incredible way for the return of investment. For a healthy customer relationship, you need to follow a strategic email marketing.

Let’s know a bit about Google Analytics then we jump into the topic.

Google Analytics is an amazing free web service served by Google. It analyses and provides you the insights into the usage of your website by users.

GA is an indispensable tool used by most digital marketers. It tracks user trends once they access your mail and even the website.

Per a blog on the Pipe Drive website, these data are vital to count and analyze actions and time taken by the users within your site.

Per an article titled “How to track your email campaign with Google Analytics email tracking”, the tracking process helps to derive numerous factors critical to helping you craft engaging content.

Tracking ROI features also available in this. The simple unique tracking code lets you know about improvements from different dimensions.

Google Analytics uses UTM parameters. This method counts the click of the URL and sends the report to GA. Google Analytics gives you a comprehensive traffic report for your site.

Are you wishing to know the keywords which helped the audience to reach you? That’s a cool SEO idea by GA. The customizable dashboard is a notable feature here. Google Analytics is a highly user-friendly platform.

The setup of a GA is a very simple one. Just create a GA account for your business site and connect the GA tracking to it. It is always good to spend time on preparing a proper email campaign. Once you’re done with it, use your trackable URLs by UTM parameters.

UTM parameters have five different parameters. Source, Medium, Campaign, Term, and Content are those things. The combinational parameter usage is the easiest way to bring traffic to your website.

This method helps you to find the actual fault and where it is. Using the UTM intelligently is a significant secret to success. Always try to use wordings and content which are familiar to people. Remember that simple creativeness increases your visitors.

The next one is Advanced segments of Google analytics. If you think, increasing visitors is enough, here you make the biggest mistake.

Per an article on the Neverbounce blog, advanced GA helps you to further split your target audience down to other mini parameters. These include their locations and well as preferences.

This way, the outcome collected supports your effort to deliver specific contents dished out just at the right time.

Analyzing the reports is a vital activity in the process of development. There is a segmented box above the standard reports. Just follow those given simple steps and prepare yourself.

While you track, you should be very keen on some email metrics.

  • Click rate– measures the count of people who clicked the link in the email which you sent.
  • Unsubscribe rate– heading itself explains it. The unsubscribed rate allows you to know the mistake that you made.
  • Spammed/Complained– the most important one to pay your attention. It defines your content.

Finally. we are going to see Reviewing the reports. The campaign report is interesting. You can follow the flow and improve the rate. GA also sends you a real-time report. Through this, you can analyze and change your content instantly.

Real-time tracking is vital for your website’s survival. You can easily perform this task.

If you read through an article titled “Find your tracked email reports on Google Analytics”, on the Campaign Monitor website helpline, you could handle an#:y complex analytics assignment via this process.

So, I hope that now you’re familiar with google analytics and its optimization. Email marketing is the easiest thing if you understand it properly. Follow the above-mentioned details and watch closer. Use Google Analytics wisely. Before you start, have a piece of detailed knowledge about Google Analytics and Email marketing.

Hope you enjoy reading “Optimize Your Email Marketing with Google Analytics” 🙂

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