Surveys Are The Way To Unlock Your Subscribers’ Hearts

The questions which you send through your emails are known as an email survey. With recent technology, you can do creative surveys with fewer efforts. A survey helps you to get customer feedback, generate new ideas and collect data. Let’s see about these surveys.


A cheerful email

Does the heading look like a magical spell? Yes. It is the easiest and quickest method. The main message of your survey must make your customers feel superior.

Email surveys are ideal for collecting valuable consumer data. But the way you introduce this process to the respondents would either make or break the process.

Most people are leery of providing their personal information. Even seasoned and vocal repeat subscribers would feel infringed by some interview requests.

Hence, you must take certain steps to make this exercise a success, per an article on the Question Pro blog website.

With an eye-catching subject line, you have to gain their attention and let them know that you value their response.

An email survey is a direct way to communicate with your customers. You must classify your list into two sections as repeat customers and new customers. Through the repeat customers, you can get more experienced replies.

Just start your email in a friendly manner and thank them for spending their time. Later come to your point and ask about the feedback. Use embed hyperlinks in your surveys. They make the email more creative.


Survey for Unsubscribers

The worst part of email marketing is getting a high unsubscribe rate. A real marketer must know the reasons behind a customer’s unsubscription. They don’t want to spend more than 10 seconds for this kind of survey.

Your “unsubscription questioneer” has to be short and to the point. The opting-out visitors are probably already annoyed with your services, and so you don’t want to irritate them further with lengthy engagement.

Analyze the possible causes for an unsubscription and point them in your surveys. Never forget to mention “Other.” There may be some other reasons too.

Per an article on the Linkedln website, pick the most pertinent questions and analyze the result to take immediate remedial measures.

Let them know about your worries about their absence. This survey helps you to get your customers back. You can correct your cons and send them a re-join email.


Regular survey for improving

This a primary survey. Every marketer must concern about collecting information about their product or service. Here I would like to suggest that we use an incentivize survey. It is a way of appreciation for participating in your development. The survey should be relevant and more personalized. A regular survey must include the below aspects.

  • Rating about the product/ service
  • How did you get us? (Social media/ Newspaper/ friend’s suggestion)
  • Short information about the surveyor (Gender, Age, Location, etc.)
  • Feedback about the product/service

Your survey must have a suitable input form for the above like radio button, checkbox textbox, etc. Do not question too much.


Seasonal Surveys

Each customer’s choices differ from one to the other. All do not have the same taste for the New Year and Christmas. 

Seasonal surveys are essential in helping you gather the relevant data for future sales promotions. After all, these details support your desire to collect specific feedback from customers.

Per an article on the Market Tailor website, understanding your consumers’ needs would go a long way in personalizing your promotional emails.

This survey helps you to be more precise about your customers. You can use this data while you send promotional emails for the festivals.

Please use a mobile-optimized email survey because people widely use mobile to do surveys. Create an expectation at the start of the survey. The user must have a little knowledge of the survey. This rule is essential for the above surveys too.

So, use the surveys as a strong bridge to connect with your customers and know them better than anyone else. Create an incisive survey and build another level of your email marketing.

Hope you enjoy reading “Surveys Are The Way To Unlock Your Subscribers’ Hearts” 🙂

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