Blame It On Email – Online Marketers 5 Biggest Sins


“Are your emails continuously being sent to spam folders?” “Are you getting a low email performance?” if your answer is yes to these questions, this article is for you guys. There are some significant mistakes you make while marketing; let’s see about them.

  1. Wrong subscriber segmentation or no segmentation

The first task of marketing is reaching the correct audience with the relevant content. This is where proper segmentation comes in. Segmentation is an essential key point because it can do a lot and adds meaning to your emails. This is done by grouping the subscribers based on their location, interests, preferences, and age, etc.

A particular segmented list contains the same features so you can speak precisely to an individual and even create behavior-based messages. A perfect segmentation drastically also increases your email performance because when done correctly, you can add more personalization to your emails.

However, not having segmentation deprives you of these benefits. That said, it is even worse when segmentation goes wrong. In such cases, the emails sent fail to any make sense at all. For example, if you send a Spanish language email to your French customer, here you fail.

According to The Convert Blog, data serves as the fundamental building block for the customer segments you establish. Any erroneous, inaccurate, outdated, inconsistent, or duplicated data can significantly undermine the quality of your segments and result in flawed campaign outcomes. Consequently, prior to utilizing the customer data you’ve gathered, it is imperative to perform data cleansing and refinement to guarantee its precision and integrity. This proactive step is crucial in attaining accurate segmentation.

  1. Forgetting your customers after the sale

Marketing is not in terms of campaigns and launches. You are there to keep your readers with you in the long run. That means you interact with them even when you are not selling stuff. It means a personal connection with your customers. This is the best way to create long-term relationships.

If you only reach your audience when you have something to sell, they will eventually lose interest. They are all real people and like to be treated that way. When you found a prospect or a lead, you have to first turn him into a customer, then a repeat customer, and finally, a brand ambassador.

Online marketing is not about finding new leads. It’s about nurturing the current customers. Always don’t go with an automatic campaign; send some humanized emails from time to time. Let your customers know that you value their presence in your business.

  1. Generic subject lines and salutation with content

People receive tons of emails each and every day, and that means they also read many general subject lines. If yours is one of them, there is a high chance that yours will get ignored.

To avoid that, you need to stand out from the crowd. Be unique in your subject lines because they are the deciding factor of your open rate. Your subject lines should urge the subscribers to read your emails. Keep your salutations at the beginning of the email content and not in your subject line.

Usually, the number of characters you can include in a subject line is limited. Given that people use different devices to view their emails, it is recommended to keep it within 50 characters. Use some friendly mannered salutations for addressing. Don’t be a formal marketer always. Your email content must justify the reading time of your subscribers. Do not send too many images or too much information. Bombarding your subscribers with tons of words inevitably annoys them. Practice some best wording to gain attention for your content.

HubSpot Research reveals that 65% of marketers who participated in a survey believe that subject lines exert the most significant influence on open rates. After all, the subject line is the initial impression an email makes. The study conducted by HubSpot also uncovered that emails featuring generic subject lines had an average open rate of 17.2%, whereas emails with personalized subject lines achieved an average open rate of 21.2%.

  1. Saying no to unsubscription button

Unsubscribes are inevitable, and no matter how good your emails are, you may not gain all the leads that you target. However, some marketers try to prevent their subscribers from unsubscribing by not including an unsubscription button at all. This is a bad practice and makes your readers angry.

A marketer cannot force his subscribers to become his customers. This should be their choice. Ideally, in every email, you need to make sure your reader has a good experience. For example, when they do not like your content or have no interest, they will need an unsubscription. Therefore, the unsubscribe button must be placed in a more visible place. That way, even after losing a subscriber, you will not lose the good image in the reader’s mind.

Moreover, if the audience is able to unsubscribe quickly, they will feel more control over their choice. Calculate the unsubscription rate through this and correct your mistakes.

According to Mailjet, providing recipients with a simple way to unsubscribe is not only a courteous gesture but also a sound practice for enhancing email deliverability. This approach can effectively lower your spam rates, enhance your sender reputation, and ensure that your emails reach an engaged audience in the future, ultimately bolstering your inbox placement rate.

  1. Implementing with no experiments

The above one may be the last point but not least, the most common mistake that every marketer makes. You, like many other people, have probably read tons of tips before and are ready to apply them in your emails. However, even after going by the book, you cannot be sure about the results.

To run a successful email marketing campaign, you need to be ready to make changes. Your email and website differ from device to device. When you imply a new campaign, you have to analyze your metric performance and look at it. Conducting an A/B test is the best suggestion I would give.

Get feedback and improve step by step. Timing plays a significant role in marketing and with the results, get your perfect time for the campaign.

Every mistake is part of learning and corrects yourself. Learn from the error and fine-tune your marketing strategy. Though implying an automatic campaign and do not make the above mistakes and never forget to nurture your subscribers.

As stated by Email On Acid, the process of email testing significantly enhances your likelihood of achieving email perfection. Email marketing tests offer various avenues to enhance your email marketing performance, including raising open rates through subject line and preheader experimentation, as well as increasing click-through rates by testing calls to action and images.

Hope you enjoy reading “Blame It On Email – Online Marketers 5 Biggest Sins” 🙂


7 Email Marketing ‘Sins’ To Avoid

Email marketing is a powerful tool used by businesses to reach out to existing and potential customers. With great power, however, comes great responsibility. To ensure your email marketing campaigns are successful, and that your emails do not end up in the spam folder or worse still, deleted, there are certain rules you should follow. In this paper, we will discuss seven email marketing ‘sins’ to avoid.

1) Not Providing an Unsubscribe Link: This is the most important rule of email marketing and one that must be followed. Every email must provide an unsubscribe link at the bottom so that your users can opt-out of receiving further emails from you. Failure to provide an unsubscribe link not only risks damaging your reputation, but it is also illegal in many countries.

2) Ignoring Spam Filters: Spam filters are designed to detect and block emails that contain content that is deemed to be spam. To ensure your emails do not get caught in spam filters, you should avoid using words and phrases that are commonly associated with spam such as ‘free’, ‘win’ and ‘click here’. You should also ensure that your emails are HTML-based and free from any malicious code.

3) Not Personalizing Your Emails: Personalizing your emails is one of the most effective ways of engaging with your customers. Personalizing your emails can be done by using the customer’s name in the subject line, addressing them by name in the body of the email and tailoring the content according to their interests.

4) Failing to Test Your Emails: Before sending out an email, you should always test it to ensure that it looks good and functions correctly. This should be done by sending the email to yourself first and clicking through all the links to make sure they are working.

5) Sending Too Many Emails: Sending too many emails can be off-putting for recipients, and will likely result in them unsubscribing or deleting the emails. It is best to keep emails to a minimum and only send out emails when you have something important to share.

6) Not Segmenting Your Email List: Segmenting your email list allows you to target specific groups of customers with the most relevant content. This can help to increase the engagement rate of your emails and ensure that customers are receiving the content that is most relevant to them.

7) Not Including Social Sharing Buttons: Including social sharing buttons in your emails can help to increase the reach of your emails and engage more customers. This is a simple and effective way of boosting the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.

By following these seven rules, you will ensure that your email marketing campaigns are successful and that your emails will not end up in the spam folder. Email marketing is an effective way of engaging with customers and boosting sales, but it is important to remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

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