Check out These 5 Myths About Using Video in Email

Title: Busting These Myths about Email Video ContentDebunking the False Facts

In this online era, videos are now part of the marketing strategy for businesses large and small. One such trend that is becoming popular is using video in email marketing. Yet, many misunderstandings about this practice can discourage marketers from adopting it in their campaigns. The purpose of this article is to clear some misconceptions on using video in email and explain the merits.

Myth 1: You Can’t Put Videos In Emails.

This is likely one of the more universal notions-that videos can’t be inserted directly into emails. And while that’s the case for the vast majority of email clients, such as Gmail and Outlook, that don’t support video in emails, that doesn’t mean you can’t use video in your email marketing.

Skilled marketers overcome this by providing a thumbnail picture of the video and a clearly labeled CTA to a landing page where the sender can actually watch the video. This will make sure that your email will be accessible from the majority (if not all) email clients and that all recipients can access the content without any technical issues. This way you get better responses and make your email both visual and informative.

Myth 2: Videos Decrease Email Speeds

Videos slowed email load times. Most marketers fear that videos will eat up email load times and they hate that. Remember that the actual video is not physically embedded in the email itself but linked-along with a picture or even a link to the video-so this email is very small and very fast to load.

A compelling thumbnail image that loads quickly. That way your email can be light and responsive without losing the ability to load engaging video. This is all about the right balance: enough visual impact so that your audience stays on the page, but not so much that it takes too long to open your emails.

Myth 3: Video Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

Sadly, because of the sudden convergence towards mobile, many marketers have thought incorrectly that video is not appropriate for mobile. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, video is one of the most popular types of content on smartphones and tablets. Generally, videos work on smartphones when they are fast-moving, quick-to-download clips that communicate quickly and efficiently.

This means responsive email layouts with video links, and ensuring the link’s content is optimized for mobile, will play a significant role. Remember that short, visually engaging clips of video will hold the attention of mobile users. People tend to engage with shorter, more dynamic videos, so it’s worth adapting messages to smaller displays.

Myth 4: You Only Use Video In Promotional Emails!

Video only exists in email — maybe the worst lie ever perpetuated. Yes, advertising is one of the most commonly used video use cases but it’s not the only one. Indeed, it can be used for so many forms of emails, such as newsletters, educational videos, customer reviews, and product demonstrations.

Videos in your emails will give your stories a more authentic voice and will directly get people to read more. A short interactive video tutorial could perhaps translate that complexity into something digestible for newsletter subscribers. The customer testimonial video gives an amazing testimonial that makes your brand authentic and trust worthy. Whether notifying readers about new content, or delivering educational materials, video embedding has the potential to do both things and improve the email experience.

Myth 5: Video Is Too Costly and Time-Intense to Make.

Despite all the benefits of video, some marketers are intimidated by the thought that creating videos is inevitably expensive and time-consuming. But that myth is now being overshadowed by the pace at which the world is changing. Thanks to low-cost technology and an abundance of easy-to-use video editing software tools, you’ve never had it so easy to make good videos.

Screen recorders, video editors, and streamlined production tools mean even the greenest in-house team can deliver videos as good as any agency-level production-without an armful of money or highly specialized talent. In addition, being genuine can appeal more to an audience than an overly polished production. Intense, real videos will communicate what you want to say and create an authentic connection with your viewers.

Myth 6: Video doesn’t drive engagement.

Perhaps the worst of these lies is that email videos do not get people more engaged. Well, actually the opposite: studies have shown that video emails are more effective than no-video emails on a variety of key metrics, such as up to 300% better clicks and higher open rates, too.

Videos simply feel more personal, which means that your chances of a recipient clicking on your videos increase. They may even result in longer watch times and lower unsubscribe rates. Video, when done well, will help you get more conversions and improve the effectiveness of your email campaigns. Video isn’t something you just have to have in your email campaigns, it’s something that marketers need in order to bring in the maximum impact and obtain the best results.

Finding the Right Balance

If you include video in your email marketing campaign, you should do it carefully. The point is to drive engagement with engaging videos, but we don’t want to fill your recipients with large files that slow down loading times. Rather, use appealing images and link strategies that lead users to watch the video on a separate page, which will make viewing effortless.

Conclusion: Check out These 5 Myths About Using Video in Email

Finally, breaking these five myths about email marketing videos will let you know just how beneficial and easy video can be. Having knowledge on how to use videos effectively can give marketers a way to engage users, better deliver messages, and ultimately get more results for their business.

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