Email Newsletter Format: 5 Tips For Formatting

  1. Use images strategically and sparsely

You may have heard or read that using images in your email newsletters makes them a lot more appealing. Yes, that’s true.

It is very recommended to use images in your newsletters if you want to stand out and be more memorable. However, it is also important to note that the use of images in your email newsletters should be strategic and quite frankly, sparse.

Your email newsletters are meant to convey messages and so, the written content should take up more space. Meanwhile, pictures are there to be used as support for a mood or vibe.

Your images should never be the highlight unless they are truly part of your brand, products or services.

Be that as it may, your products or services depicted as pictures should come with clear words as to why you are showing them to your subscribers at this point in time.

Mailmunch states that using images strategically in marketing emails is crucial. They quickly convey information, capture attention, and evoke emotions more effectively than text alone. The right image can amplify the core message, improve visual appeal, and make content memorable, prompting recipients to act. Balancing visuals with text can significantly enhance email effectiveness, leading to higher click-through rates and fostering deeper customer engagement.

  1. Go for serif letters

You should be aware of the fact that people get tons of emails from different providers every single day. And because of that, most people really skim through their unread emails.

With that said, when formatting email newsletters, you want your letters and words to be easy on the eye and can be read fast like a breeze. In order to increase the readability of your emails, it is recommended that you use serif letters.

Serif letters and sans-serif letters are tricky in the way they’re presented. Serif letters are letters that have ‘tails’ at the edges of them; a popular example includes Times New Roman and Georgia.

Sans-serif, on the other hand, are letters without any tails; like Calibri and Arial. Technically, you want sans-serif to be bold and big, so it’s more appropriate for titles and headers. However, when it comes to the main content, you want to use serif letters.

  1. Always include only highlights in your emails

When designing an email newsletter, remember that you are not designing a webpage. Nobody wants to read an entire blog post or article in their emails. Well, most people don’t.

This is especially the case for busy people who are always on the go, who open their emails quickly on their smartphones, as they skim through a bunch of emails.

With all of that said, always include only a small highlight of what good news you have for your email recipients at this time.

The highlights should tend to be accompanied by links that can direct your readers to whichever webpage corresponds with that specific story. The same goes for any kind of product listing or discount opportunity.

Market Tailor states that incorporating highlights in your marketing newsletter email is essential to maximize its impact. Highlights provide a concise overview of key information, enabling busy recipients to grasp the main points quickly. This improves readability and encourages further exploration of the content. By showcasing the most compelling aspects, highlights pique recipients’ interest, driving them to delve deeper into the newsletter’s offerings.

Even if you don’t have any products or pictures of your services, try to include pictures that can make your highlights more attractive and easier to understand at a glance.

  1. Make your hyperlinks easy to spot and click on

So, we already know that it is important to include hyperlinks in our email newsletters. They literally can include anything that’s truly important.

From directing to your homepage to specific webpages, to contact support, and even unsubscribing. Oh yes, you need to include that as well if you don’t want to end up getting marked as spam!

Never forget an unsubscribe button!

But anyway, hyperlinks work to get traffic to your website and on your website, you can show your recipients more stuff about your brand, products and services, and all kinds of extensive new updates that should be interesting to your readers.

As per Mail Poets, hyperlinks should be easily recognizable and well-labeled. While standard blue, underlined text links are often familiar, it’s vital to align link colors with your brand’s palette and email theme. Opt for a hue that complements your non-linked text. Once color, font, and size are chosen, maintain consistency across the email for a cohesive look. This ensures optimal visibility, enhancing user experience and reinforcing your brand identity.

With all of that said, it is incredibly important to format your hyperlinks in a way that makes them easy to spot, but more importantly, easy to click. Most people open their emails on a smartphone and some people have big fingers, you know.

  1. A clean and fresh vibe always wins

When it comes to formatting a professional-looking email, it is a good idea to go for what would be considered clean and fresh. Seriously, think about all of the elements that come with email marketing.

People read on smartphones (and they are relatively small), people skim through emails, and people just want to get straight to the point. With all of that said, it is better to keep your email newsletters simple and clean.

Plus, this requires less design work for you. If you really want to show your full personality and brand image, get creative with those on your homepage.

Having said that, it is also important that your emails have a design that is synchronous with your webpage. So, it’s good to have a main design, but your emails should contain fewer intricacies in terms of attractive designs and just get straight to the point.

Hope you enjoy reading “Email Newsletter Format: 5 Tips For Formatting” 🙂

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