How To Improve Your Search Ranking With Email Marketing?

Experienced and professional marketers know how to improve the search ranking of their brands through email marketing. But beginners have to learn a lot. So, the question they frequently ask is, how can they improve search ranking using email marketing?


Search Engine Optimization and Page Ranking are very important aspects of digital marketing since your website being featured at the top of a search engine result page means more and more people would be directed to the website. There are a lot of well-known ways to improve your website’s search engine ranking and visibility, but you might be surprised to know that email marketing campaigns can affect your ranking too. How can you ensure this influence is a positive one? Let’s find out.

Increase traffic on your website by targeted email marketing

One of the metrics by which the search engine ranking of a website is measured is through the traffic the website has daily, or the number of users that access the website and its resources every day. You can bring your traffic up by making your email marketing campaigns more targeted in their audience, sending emails to only those people who fall in the niche your business serves and would thus be more likely to want to visit your website.

An article from The Market Tailor highlights that customizing your messages for specific audiences can arouse their curiosity and guide them to your website. The inclusion of personalized content and pertinent offers increases the probability of recipients clicking through, ultimately resulting in a rise in website traffic and potential conversions.

On-site engagement increased by attracting the right people with email marketing

There is another benefit of targeting your email marketing approach. Since you’re only reaching out to the people who’d most likely be interested in your service, there’s a higher chance these people would find content on your site more engaging when they’re directed to them by your email campaigns. And since on-site engagement is another search ranking metric, the more you’re able to advertise your website’s content to the interested people, the more time they’ll spend on your site looking it over, and the higher your search ranking score will be.

Use data from successful email campaigns to better your site

You may have already had quite a few successes with regards to your previous email campaigns, showing you what does and doesn’t work when sending emails to a large number of people. You can use this data to improve the content on your site too. Like for example, you may have found a particular subject heading for which an email generated a lot more leads; you could use the same subject heading for a page on your site since it’s more likely that people will click on it. Or perhaps you noticed a particular feature or topic that was very well received as part of an email campaign. Why not feature it on your website to drive more traffic and consequently get a better search ranking?

As per an article featured on LinkedIn by Marketing Campaign Management, the objective is to gain insights into the effectiveness of your previous campaigns by analyzing what succeeded and what didn’t, along with the reasons behind these outcomes. You can achieve this by examining your data across various time frames, audience segments, channels, or individual campaigns to pinpoint the factors that played a role in influencing your results.

Encourage social shares of your email marketing content

Though Google doesn’t account for social shares of a webpage in their search ranking calculations, that doesn’t mean social shares have no value towards driving traffic. Social shares increase your webpage’s visibility, and if your content is shared more, a greater number of people will get to know of your service and thus visit your website. Increasing social shares with your email campaigns are pretty easy; just encourage your readers to share your email campaign content. Asking them to spread the word is all you have to do.

According to a report by Emily and Blair, websites typically receive approximately 5% of their total traffic from social media. While this may not be the primary source of traffic, individuals who arrive at your site through social media channels tend to be more inclined to engage with your blog or consider purchasing your services/products compared to those originating from search engines.

Hope you enjoy reading “How To Improve Your Search Ranking With Email Marketing?” 🙂

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