How to segment your email list using quiz funnels

Email list segmentation is a powerful marketing strategy that allows businesses to send targeted and personalized messages to their subscribers. By dividing your email list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics, you can increase engagement, improve open and click-through rates, and ultimately drive more sales. One effective way to segment your email list is by using quiz funnels.

A quiz funnel is a series of questions designed to help you understand your subscribers’ needs, interests, and pain points. By presenting your subscribers with a series of relevant questions, you can gather valuable data about them and use this information to segment your list and deliver more targeted content.

Here are the steps to segment your email list using quiz funnels:

Step 1: Define your segmentation criteria

Before creating your quiz, it’s essential to determine the criteria you will use to segment your email list. Here are some factors to consider:


Understanding the demographic composition of your subscribers is a necessity. Collecting data on age, gender, location, and occupation will help you divide your people into targeted demographic segments. This information enables you to tailor your messaging and offerings to them, thus being on target for each target group.


Interests are some of the most potent in keeping your audience interested. You may want to try surveying your subscribers or tracking the type of content they interact with on your site to understand what is truly interesting to them. Interest-based segments allow you to offer personalized recommendations and resources that meet your unique subscribers’ needs.

Purchase Behavior

Buying history will tend to produce many valuable patterns in subscriber behavior. For example, you can use the data in this manner to segment your list into groups like “first-time buyers,” “repeat customers,” and “high-value clients,” among others. That makes targeting much easier because the marketing you create can be very specific to that lifecycle stage in each category.

Engagement Level

The level of subscriber engagement is perhaps one of the most important metrics when it comes to email marketing. Second, track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to establish the level of subscribers’ engagement. You can segment your audience by their engaged vs passive status for better optimization of your email strategy and re-engage the inactive subscribers.

Step 2: Create your quiz

Once you’ve identified your segmentation criteria, the next step is to design a quiz that will help you collect the necessary data from your subscribers. Here’s how to create an effective quiz funnel:

Choose a quiz format: Decide on a quiz format that aligns with your goals and segmentation criteria. Popular formats include personality quizzes, knowledge tests, and scored quizzes.
Craft compelling questions: Design questions that will provide insights into your subscribers’ demographics, interests, buying behavior, and engagement levels. Ensure your questions are relevant, engaging, and easy to understand.
Create targeted outcomes: Based on the answers provided, develop personalized outcomes for each segment. These outcomes should reflect the subscribers’ unique characteristics and offer value in the form of tailored recommendations or resources.
Design an appealing layout: Create a visually appealing quiz layout that is mobile-responsive and easy to navigate. Include your branding elements and use images and multimedia to enhance the user experience.
Integrate with your email marketing platform: Set up your quiz so that it seamlessly integrates with your email marketing platform. This integration will enable you to segment your list automatically based on quiz responses and trigger targeted email campaigns.
Promote your quiz: Share your quiz on your website, social media channels, and email campaigns to encourage participation. Offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive content, to boost engagement and capture valuable data from your subscribers.

Step 3: Segment your list

Once you have gotten all the responses to your quiz, it’s time to go ahead and segment your email list into smaller actionable groups. You should make use of email marketing software that will actually allow you to create tags or custom fields corresponding to segments you’re going to want to create.

For example, let’s go to the fitness brand again. Then you will be able to assign very specific tags according to the quiz results that say, for example, “Weight Loss”, “Muscle Gain”, and “General Fitness”. This is how you segment your audience with their goals in mind, but also you will set up a base for more personal and effective communication.

Step 4: Deliver targeted content

Having organized your email list, send relevant content that actually interests each segment of your interest group. Send a series of welcome e-mails that relate uniquely to the different interests of each segment. You can also use data from the results generated by your quiz to tailor these welcome emails effectively for every group.

Start an email series for the subscribers who look to lose weight, where weight loss tips and healthy recipes and workout guides and products recommended will be mailed to attain their desire for weight loss. It also personalizes your approach and builds a better connection with the target group. The more personalized there is, the more the potentiality of activities and conversions there can be.

Step 5: Monitor and adjust

That doesn’t stop right there once the emails get sent out; it is just as important to closely monitor the engagement and sales that each particular segment of your email list will generate. Use analytics to assess trends and patterns in:.

If some segment, for example, seems to do better in terms of opening and click-through, analyze what worked and look to repeat that with the other segments. Conversely, if messages don’t go across well, then the process affords an opportunity to realign your messaging anew with the needs and interests that will be evolving among audiences. To make it effective, there has to be continuous screening and tweaking to refine segmentation strategy.

In conclusion, segmenting your email list using quiz funnels is a powerful strategy that allows you to deliver targeted and personalized content to your subscribers. By defining your segmentation criteria, creating a relevant quiz, segmenting your list, delivering targeted content, and monitoring and adjusting, you can increase engagement, improve open and click-through rates, and ultimately drive more sales. Start using quiz funnels in your email marketing strategy today and watch your engagement and sales soar.

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