Overcoming Common Email Marketing Obstacles

Email marketing is the most effective way to get fame for your brand, but the first email marketing campaign would be the greatest challenge for each marketer. When you overcome these common obstacles, you can gain the full potential of email marketing at first attempt.

Here are some fundamental problems and solutions.

Challenge 1 – Poor personalisation leads to estranging of customers

Lack personalisation makes your subscribers ignore your emails. Remember that your intention is not only reaching the inbox but also your subscribers’ heart. Here are some simple tips for perfect personalisation.

Studies say that using the subscriber’s first name in the subject line increases the open rate by 20%. Do not overuse their name because it creates a weirdness in your email. Proper timing is a hallmark point for successful marketing. Send the relevant contented email at a suitable time.

As per information from the InstaPage Blog, it has been noted that 82% of marketers have observed a rise in open rates when implementing email personalization. In comparison to non-personalized mailings, promotional emails with personalization experience a 29% increase in unique open rates. Moreover, when compared to non-personalized mailings, personalized promotional emails achieve a 41% higher unique click-through rate.

Challenge 2 – Emails are not mobile-friendly

You can’t always predict precisely the device which is using by your subscriber to read your email, so your email must be optimisable to any device which in use. The entire screen fit makes the ease of reading. Use an adaptable email template, so you don’t need to worry. In any device, your email will look great.

If you write 3 or 4 sentences continuously, it gives a wordy feel for your emails so maximum try to keep your sentences and subject lines short. Never forget to separate your email with headings and subheadings. It helps to gain attention at first sight.

Challenge 3 – Unclear targets and not hitting the goals

A marketer often makes the above mistake. Success is not possible when you have erroneous goals and KPIs. To overcome the above issue, first of all, you have to analyse your key performance indicators.

Each email campaign has different objectives, such as gaining leads, getting feedbacks, announcing offers and new product introduction, etc. Set your goal is more important than sending emails. Remember that a clear explanation of your intention must display through your content.

According to insights from The Markettailor Blog, having well-defined objectives is crucial because they serve as the yardstick for gauging the effectiveness of your campaign. Without clear objectives, it becomes challenging to discern what is functioning well and what needs improvement, making it difficult to make essential adjustments. To address this, it is essential to ask yourself: “What are my specific goals for this email marketing campaign? Am I aiming to drive more website traffic, generate leads, or increase sales?” By being specific about your objectives and understanding how to monitor progress and evaluate success, you can ensure a more effective email marketing strategy.

Challenge 4 – Low-level email performance

Decreased email performance badly disappoints every email marketer. Each metrics of production is essential for successful marketing. You have to improve every performance indicator, step by step. There are different percentage rates for each parameter. You have to achieve them at each stage. Segment your email list.

A typical email never impresses personally. Send categorised emails to a particular audience. The dynamic email content is another excellent trick to increase the metrics’ act. Dynamic content’s call-to-action option helps to upsurge the click-through rate. Winning subject lines grow open rates.

There are more other challenges like no time to grow your email list, a high rate of unsubscription, and poor deliverability, But these challenges happen after one or two email campaigns

According to Campaign Monitor, you can use segmentation, personalization, dynamic content, and storytelling to customize your email content based on your subscribers’ data, behavior, and preferences. This will help you create a more meaningful and memorable connection with your subscribers, increase their engagement and loyalty, and improve your email marketing metrics.

Never feel ashamed to make mistakes. Mistakes are the steps to reach a fruitful email marketing. A good marketer never forgets to learn continuously. When you overcome the above problem, you can trounce other things. Do not let the challenges to make your business go down.

Hope you enjoy reading “Overcoming Common Email Marketing Obstacles” 🙂


6 Email Marketing Challenges And How To Overcome Them


Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach out to potential and existing customers. It is one of the most cost-effective methods to engage customers and generate revenue. However, email marketing comes with its own set of challenges. This paper will discuss 6 email marketing challenges and how to overcome them.

Challenge 1: Low Open Rates

One of the biggest challenges of email marketing is getting customers to open the emails. Low open rates indicate that the emails are not engaging enough. To overcome this challenge, businesses should focus on the subject line and the content of the emails. The subject line should be eye-catching and relevant to the content. The content should be interesting and relevant to the audience. Additionally, businesses should segment their email lists so that they can send targeted messages to specific groups of customers.

Challenge 2: Low Click-through Rates

Another email marketing challenge is getting customers to click on the links in the emails. To overcome this, businesses should focus on creating personalized content for each customer. Additionally, they should use clear and concise copy in their emails. They should also use visuals such as images and videos to make the emails more engaging.

Challenge 3: High Unsubscribe Rates

High unsubscribe rates indicate that customers are not interested in the emails. To reduce the unsubscribe rates, businesses should make sure that they are sending relevant and interesting content. They should also give customers the option to customize the frequency and type of emails they receive.

Challenge 4: Spam Filters

Spam filters can block emails from reaching customers. To avoid this, businesses should make sure they are following the best practices for email marketing. They should avoid using words and phrases that can trigger spam filters. Additionally, they should avoid sending emails too frequently.

Challenge 5: Poor Mobile Optimization

Many customers access emails on their mobile devices. However, if the emails are not optimized for mobile, they can be difficult to read. To overcome this challenge, businesses should make sure that their emails are optimized for mobile. They should also use responsive design so that the emails look good on different devices.

Challenge 6: Poor Data Collection

Finally, businesses need to collect data on their customers in order to send the right emails. Poor data collection can lead to irrelevant emails being sent to customers. To overcome this challenge, businesses should use customer surveys and customer feedback to collect data. Additionally, they should use customer segmentation to target the right customers with the right emails.


Email marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to reach out to potential and existing customers. However, there are several challenges that businesses need to overcome in order to be successful with email marketing. This paper has discussed 6 email marketing challenges and how to overcome them. By following the best practices for email marketing and using customer segmentation, businesses can overcome these challenges and make the most of their email campaigns.

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