Rules For Recovering Lost Sales With Abandoned Cart Emails


Lost sales can be recovered, but you must follow some rules. Yes, rules are available to help people recover lost sales with abandoned cart emails. Here’s how people use abandoned cart emails to recover lost sales.

Two-thirds of shoppers put something in the cart and don’t finish the order. 8% of shoppers who keep something in the cart can be persuaded to complete the purchase by sending a suitable email. In this article we discuss what to do to keep money on the table and persuade some people to complete the order:

How to Create the Perfect Email to Recover Abandoned Carts

These are some of the elements of the perfect abandoned e-mail shopping cart:

  • Offer the advantage of subscribing to the newsletter (free shipping, discount on first purchase).
  • Ask as soon as possible for an e-mail order

What the right email looks like, what makes people finish buying

Proper timing

Send the first one within an hour, the second the next day, and third in a week. You need to step up the quality of the offer. There is no point in sending 3 identical emails.

An article posted on LinkedIn by eCommerce Insights reveals that 75% of customers who leave their shopping carts without making a purchase plan to buy the same product at a later time, and 72% of these individuals intend to make their purchase within the next 48 hours. Therefore, it is crucial to send the initial email promptly. Delaying the first email increases the likelihood that the customer will seek the product elsewhere and diminishes their interest in it.

Subject of email

The subject is very important for your e-mail. The subscriber is only a few words away. So make sure the email draws the attention of him/her.

Cart Contents

Display what the customer left in the cart with (big) pictures. You don’t need to add more to that.

As per the BigCommerce, displaying abandoned cart content in email reminders is crucial for converting potential sales because it reengages customers with their chosen products, reminding them of their initial interest. This visual reminder can rekindle their desire to complete the purchase, streamline the buying process, and ultimately reduce friction in the conversion funnel, increasing the likelihood of successful sales transactions.

Interesting text (and graphics)

Do not try to criticism or hurt them. And not at all pressure. Send your mail more like a friendly reminder. A decent copywriter is a must in these emails.

You can point out that the product may sell out and push the user to a decision.

Includes a Visible CTA

You have to sell your products to your customers. Like other CTAs, write: Continue shopping or Go to my cart.

According to Constant Contact, the CTA button serves as the link that directs individuals back to their shopping carts for completing their purchases. Above all else, it should feature action-oriented language that encourages them to proceed. Ensure that your CTA button is highly visible and user-friendly, accompanied by a clear and concise label to inform recipients about its purpose when they click on it.

Similar goods

If the user is no longer interested in the content of the cart, this does not necessarily mean the end. You can offer him:

  • Similar goods- picture, (ideally) its size, price;
  • Navigation bar with main categories;
  • Maybe a text link back to the store;
  • And then a clickable logo.

Complaints, evaluation

You have to eliminate as much doubt as possible so that there is no reason not to buy. I recommend mentioning:

  • Trouble-free claims
  • Possibility of a personal collection
  • Customer feedback and e-shop credibility

Contact support

It is possible that the user left the cart due to technical issues, internet downtime, etc. Give him the opportunity to call or write an email. And if he was able to finish the order with you on the phone, it was ideal.


The discounts are another motivation for clients to continue buying. Companies usually email the second or third abandoned email with coupon codes.

Mobile version

More than 50% of individuals use their mobile devices to access the internet. Optimize the whole process to make it look great from a mobile phone.


Abandoned Cart Emails helps e-commerce owner to sell more. The perfect abandoned cart mail is visually appealing. It asks to be open and has an emotional factor. But it varies from business to business.

Hope you enjoy reading “Rules For Recovering Lost Sales With Abandoned Cart Emails” 🙂

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