SMS Marketing: 5 Reasons Why It Is Time To Start Using Text Messages

People have heard about email marketing and have used it for some time. But have you ever heard of SMS marketing? Here are 5 reasons why it is time for people to start using text messages for SMS marketing.

  1. Text messages have an engagement rate of around 95% to 98%

We all know that email marketing is king in the digital era. Just the thought of SMS may make some people wonder why anybody is still using this ancient channel of communication. But the reality is presented differently by stats.

Studies have shown that although email is still the king of modern digital marketing, SMS has a higher engagement rate of 95% and above.

This is because people open their text messages more often than they do their emails. On average, the regular Joe and Jane open their emails 15 times or so a day. And the response rate of an email?

On average it stands at 90 minutes. That’s one hour and a half. But both the open rate and the response rate of SMS marketing stand at 90 seconds. Yup. A minute and a half. And that’s a fact.

The Business Company, a digital media powerhouse, affirms that emphasizing convenience and simplicity within SMS can yield impressive outcomes. Text messages are anticipated to secure swifter and greater response rates compared to less engaging alternatives like email or app notifications. This distinction underscores the value of prioritizing SMS for effective customer interaction.

  1. Text messages are time sensitive and deliver better conversion

Perhaps it is psychology, but text messages have always carried a sense of urgency to them instead of emails that can always be responded to at a later time.

Although text messages have fallen out of use significantly, that impression is still carried over in today’s age. And people do still receive text messages, even from their families and friends.

Similarly, even when receiving text messages about attractive offers, coupons, or even events, people still read their text messages on the spot.

Once they receive it, they read it. As such, text messages can increase your clickthrough rate, and possibly even your conversion rate. This is all thanks to the speed and efficiency provided by text messages.

According to The Business Company, SMS emerges as the most instantaneous marketing channel at hand. An analysis by SMS Comparison reveals that an impressive 98% of text messages are not only opened but also read, with the majority perused within three minutes of delivery. This direct interaction holds the potential to trigger instant purchases and foster enduring brand-customer relationships.

People are quicker to respond to whatever is written in a text message, most likely because text messages are short and have a clear call to action.

  1. Text messages are short, so you make the most out of them

When it comes to email marketing, there’s a lot you need to think about. Starting from the overall design and the cleverness of your CTA to the right placement of your images, videos, and compatibility with mobile devices.

The thing with text messages is that they are certain for mobile users. People see text messages mostly on their smartphones and they do get seen more quickly.

All the time. When it comes to designing a text message, all you need to think about is efficacy and the right data to show.

Say you are offering a discount or free condiment with a purchase, you just let the recipient know they can text back FREEFRIES to a coded number and there you get your clickthrough, response, and conversion.

As long as the message is clear and the instruction just as clear.

  1. SMS marketing is super direct, which makes it more honest

Email marketing is fancy and quite honestly, can be rather all around the place with its messages.

Email marketing can be clever with images and videos, and large, bombastic words on the screen, only to add a very small section for T&C somewhere difficult to catch.

That’s all great as part of grabbing people’s attention, but you can’t deny that a lot of people feel this is misleading. n some cases, even dishonest. Text messages don’t really give off that vibe.

After all, you are limited to 10 characters, how much can you say, really? Text messages speak up loud and clear. The who is clear. The what-you-want-from-them is clear. The direction is clear.

The keyword is clear. Even the when is clear. Marketing via text messages tends to be clear cut and a lot of people prefer to be approached that way.

  1. A clear call to action that increases the clickthrough rate

A good SMS marketing would include a direct link to your webpage or an article you want them to read. A text message can also direct to a link for signup. Whatever the case may be, you don’t need a fanciful call to action.

You just straight up tell your text recipient what is up, and what you want them to do, and here’s the link where they can simply click and follow through with the instructions.

Some companies have utilised this method to direct customers to an online game for winning a coupon. In other cases, the link can direct a customer to download your app from the digital app store.

According to Marking Digital, Call-to-action (CTA) holds pivotal importance within any text marketing campaign. It extends beyond formulating an impeccable message, encompassing the art of motivating your audience to engage. Be it elevating sales, nurturing leads, or propelling website traffic, a distinct and persuasive CTA serves as a potent tool in realizing your objectives.

When text messages are so short, you can be direct and this increases the chance of your link being clicked. Remember not to use all caps in your text messages. That’s just plain rude.

Hope you enjoy reading “SMS Marketing: 5 Reasons Why It Is Time To Start Using Text Messages” 🙂

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