The 5 Most Crucial Email Marketing Benchmarks

  1. Timing

The time you send your email is as vital as the content itself. So ensure that your emails reach your subscribers when they are free and in the right mood to read them.

Referring to insights highlighted in the Influencer Marketing Hub‘s research, a comprehensive discourse on email marketing benchmarks should inevitably address the aspect of timing. Engagement pertains to the duration a reader invests in interacting with your email. Typically, engagement encompasses three actions: reading, skimming, and glancing. Ensuring proper timing plays a pivotal role in yielding optimal outcomes.

Sending emails too early is counterproductive. Most people are still planning their days or in between commutes. Doing so late in the afternoon is similarly ineffective, as people are already winding down their work day’s events.

The best time to release marketing emails is from 9 to 11 in the morning. Here, most recipients are calm and probably taking a break. So they may click on the new emails and read them.

Subscribers tend to open emails when they are still new. Remember that less than 1% of mail gets opened after a day. Still, only two third of all emails sent are received by the other side.

Most of these abandoned mail slip through the crack due to bad timing.  So remember that email sending time is a critical benchmark you should always observe.

  1. Email Click Rate

Email click-through rate is the frequency with which the email recipients click at least one image or link in the mail they receive from you. This action is more crucial than merely opening a mail and reading through it.

Why? Because clicking indicates that you have convinced the subscriber that the contents therein are worth his time and they want to get further information.

As outlined in the study released by Campaign Monitor, when discussing click-through rates, we are essentially gauging the extent of subscriber engagement with various elements of your email. This assessment allows us to identify the components that resonated within the message, encompassing significant hyperlinks, impactful call-to-action buttons, and captivating images.

Besides, click rate is considered the lifeline of email marketing endeavors. This step puts you closer to closing a sale or earning online.

How do you calculate the click-through rate? You multiply the number of subscribers who have clicked on a link by one hundred. Once you get this figure, you divide it by the number of delivered mail.

Hence the more clicks you get from your delivered emails, the higher your click-through rate. Click-through rates provide the ideal situation for what your subscribers are genuinely interested in within the content you submit to them.

  1. Email Click to Open Rate

Another benchmark for measuring marketing emails is the click-to-open rate. Unlike the click rate, the CTO rate compares unique clicks to unique opens.

According to insights presented in the Nealschaffer study, let’s begin by understanding the essence of an email open rate. In essence, an email open rate represents the percentage of subscribers who open your emails in relation to the total number of subscribers you’ve accumulated. Regardless of your current rate, it remains imperative to analyze these results to identify areas for enhancement.

It counts the number of clicks performed on the emails that were actually opened, not delivered to the recipients’ inbox.

Here if ten people clicked on the links of their mils out of 100 people who opened their emails, then a CTO rate of 10% is attained.

The CTO parameter provides you with a finer understanding of how well the design and messaging of the email addresses the recipients’ unique requirements.

Pieces of research conclude that the CTO rate average rate from 10% to 14%. This gives you a guide on whether your CTO rate is at par or below the national average.

Irrespective of your rating, you still need to analyze these findings to see where you need to improve. Consistent improvement helps to maintain a solid CTO ratio.

  1. Email Sending Date

Data show that most people read their emails within the first day of receiving them. Hence any unread mail overnight is likely not to be read at all.

This means that a significant part of emails not read are disregarded afterward, with new emails getting all the attention.

You don’t want your emails to be forgotten and later deleted to create space for your subscribers’ inboxes. So you must know when to send emails that will reach your recipients.

The best day to send out emails is on Thursday. On this day, most people are eager to finish their assignments and de-clatter their emails.

The second best day of the week to release crucial marketing emails is Tuesdays. On this day people are already relaxed and organized their week, so they’ll probably receive and respond to mail.

So they are more inclined to open your emails and respond to them.

  1. Email Shares Rate

Sharing and forwards are major components driving online marketing. They help to increase the subscription base and eventually convert visits into sales.

Hence it forms part of the crucial email marketing benchmarks. But what is the email share rate?

When your subscribers are genuinely pleased with your blog, they tend to share and forward to other emails outside your subscription list. Your email share rate captures the number of recipients sharing your content with others.

This rate is computed using the number of viewers hitting the share button or forward sign. To calculate this rate, you divide the number of shares by the total delivered contents.

Forwards and sharing is a direct referral and major marketing boost. It could result in generating new leads without you spending time and effort since your subscribers also have and know friends who require the information shared.

To encourage your serious subscribers to share your content, you may provide incentives and coupons.

Hope you enjoy reading “The 5 Most Crucial Email Marketing Benchmarks” 🙂

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