The 5 Most Important Elements Of Successful Email Copywriting


    The subject line and the first two sentences are what assuages the reader to continue reading or discard the mail. So these two segments of your email must bring forth significant interest from the readers.

    Push in the right and strong points on why your prospects should purchase your products or services. Thus you must include support evidence and data statistics, or expert matters.

    How your write-up resonates with the reader is also vital here. So you must present your email in the style and language that best relates to the expectations of your target group.

    Include sentimental and emotive words that evoke the emotion of the reader. Use conversational tone and expression, always assuming that you are speaking to someone.

    With these presentations, your target audience is likely to read the email copy till the call to action portion.

    One here, you can use persuasion to have the copywriting recipients follow through with your instructions.


    Even when you are writing on behalf of your firm, your language, and approach should be personal to make perfect email copywriting.

    It shouldn’t even be confined to the language. Instead, it should cover vital aspects such as personalization of the email. This ensures that you treat each reader independently and address them by their names.

    Instead of using the official and generic impersonal jargon such as “Dear Sir or Madam”, use the subscriber’s first name. This approach would make the mail appear like personal and confidential advice from a trusted friend.

    Appreciate that you have different target groups. Influence each group by emphasizing their unique requirements.

    In getting personal, you should restrict yourself to grammar rules. Feel free to use contractions and sentence fragmentation, if that’s the style your target audience understands.

    Another way to personalize emails is by including your name. Mails appear impersonal and warm when written informally.

    Having your name and requesting that they contact you back through functional reply-to email in your header makes your correspondences more professional yet charming.|

    Per an article on the My Emma website, this personalization has greater impact.

    Being personal improves the response rate of your online marketing campaign. But you may need to conform to your brand personality.


    To further support the impact which the mail could have on the recipients, it’s better to provide details on your sales theme.

    The intention is to come across as a knowledgeable and reliable seller. So describe the products or services you are offering.

    The purpose of an email is to persuade prospects to subscribe and buy from the site. Hence the readers need a little education on the benefits you are likely to provide, before they make their minds, to subscribe.

    The email should list the features and benefits of the products and services you offer.

    Per an article on the Zapier website, copywriting that highlight the value of a produce quickly converts readers into valuable subscribers, and eventually prolific users.

    Still, you must present the salient features of these merchandise, including the benefits the mail recipients are likely to get when they purchase the offerings.

    Describing your products is also persuasive. You can provide comparative data against your competitors’ offerings to support your assertion regarding the value these items would provide to the subscribers.

    But don’t bore readers with technical jargon and lengthy description. What you need to provide is a point form feature and then benefits.

    Briefly explaining any feature which isn’t direct or easy to understand also helps. The gist is to offer all the benefits but does so using simple language for better understanding.

    Once they understand the product, the potential buyers would most probably heed your call to action plea.


    All emails you send out should have truth and foster honesty. The messages should help build trust between you and your subscribers. 

    If you can’t support any claim you make in the email copy you write, you are likely to be perceived as unauthentic.

    So what do you do with your writing to promote this virtue? Many things, start by including expert or professional findings related to the performance of the products you are promoting here.

    Next is to include customer reviews. These are an integral part of the mail. If many, provide a link to this section. Ensure that the reviews are genuine and vetted. So use only the testimonies from verified buyers or consumers of the products and services.

    Still, including customer success stories, like recognition from regulating bodies or professional associations. Brief case studies and tests work better to induce the readers to act on your call to action.


    Email copywriting is about persuasion. After all, your promotional emails are meant to encourage new leads and convert leads to sales.

    After all the narrative and niceties, the call to action is the last do-or-die step. Here, if you fail to convince your readers to sign up or order your product, then all your correspondence is in vain.

    Not that all your readers have to click the reply button on their email screen. Some would start inquiries, while others could return to the site and explore further.

    Besides, some may forward and share your emails with readers outside your circle. All these are good and have a future potential to generate income.

    To achieve the above actions, the call to action is brief, clear, and specific. They explain to the target audience directly, avoiding any room for confusion.

    The persuasion though, shouldn’t look like an oversell or sound desperate. Still, it should make the reader want to act urgently and accept the benefits of the solution provided previously.

    Emails are intended to push your prospects to take action. Hence your email copywriting needs to be short, with each sentence persuading the reader to eventually act on the CTA.

    Per an article on the Drip website, you don’t want the content to look like a sale pitch though. Instead, leverage on the potential benefits and incentives your readers would get upon clicking that CTA.

    What’s more, the call to action shouldn’t appear risky or with certain conditions. 

    Hope you enjoy reading “The 5 Most Important Elements Of Successful Email Copywriting” 🙂

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