What’s The Best Time And Day To Send An Email?

Time is a predominant aspect in an email campaign. Though your emails are a high standard, your mails won’t be opened if you send them in a wrong day and time. Without any delay, let’s see about the perfect time and day to send an email.

According to researches and studies, people open emails mostly on weekdays than weekends. The weekends give lower-traffic because your audience may consider weekends as leisure times.

If you go deeper, the results say engagement rate and open rate are too high in typical working hours. The above time period is a common idea. Each result data about this timing differs one to others because email campaigns are different. You cannot apply the same time rule for all email campaigns.

The geographical location of your subscriber and online status of them are highly influencing points in the email marketing. You must always categorize your email list according to their places.

You can find the perfect timing through a/b test or you can use the general studies about the perfect timing.

Starting with days, Tuesdays have the first highest open rate and Thursday comes as second. Comparatively, I say that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are really great days for the email campaign, but here also you have a contradiction.

The best days are based on the likelihood of emails sent out being opened by the recipients. On Mondays, online users are still cataloging their week’s plans, and so they are freer to open marketing emails during the days in the middle of the week.

If the email campaign is about sales promotion, per an article on the Optin Monster website, Friday is the better choice. It has the highest click-through rate. People who are interested in shopping on weekends, mostly check their emails on Friday to know about the offers.

People are also inclined to check their mails on specific timings. Studies noted that rates are high at 10 AM on Tuesday or Thursday.

Hence timing is everything, especially if you are sending out marketing emails. You have to pick the best time when your emails are going to be noticed as they land in the inbox. Based on all metrics, a lifetime of an email is 60 minutes from its arrival. Later the open rate starts to fall gradually.

Per an article on the Sales Shady blog, generally, there are two good time slices for active email marketing. The first one is lunchtime, around 1.30 PM to 3.30 PM. People usually check their emails in their free time like this. Another one is morning time. This is a common way. People also read emails before they go to work around 9 AM to 11 AM.

It’s always good to check everything with our own experiments. I would like to suggest an A/B test for this because it is an easy way and effective method.

If you have 1000 recipients, well that’s a good start. Divide them into two groups. First, you must about the day. Send the emails on different days but at the same time, you did for the previous day.

The next one is time testing. Now you have to send the emails on that particular day which you found in the 1st test. Segment the time period and send the emails. Finally, analyze the best Open rate and Click-through rate. That’s your perfect time.

You don’t do this for the sake of it. You want to establish when your recipients are more likely to see it. Still, this test is to find out when your emails are delivered.

The outcomes are vital. It will provide you with a clear knowledge about the best time and day to send an email. Never forget that weekends are not a cool technique to send emails.

Per an article on the Moo send website, A/B tests help lower your overall mail bounce rate, Try the above mentioned days and time. Surely you will gain a lot.

Hope you enjoy reading “What’s The Best Time And Day To Send An Email?” 🙂

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